Help trying to choose university to study cybersecurity master

Hi everyone,
I am a European student who has finished his
Engineering degree. I want to do master in Cybersecurity (CS). I have
been admitted to 3 universities: CS at Aalborg (Copenhagen, Denmark), CS
double degree at the European Institute of Innovation & Technology
(eit), and Digital Security at EURECOM (Nice, France).
eit is
cross-european master programme where I would do my 1st year in the
University of Rennes 1 (France) and my 2nd year would be either in the
University of Turku (Finland) or University of Twente (Neatherlands). I
have looked at the programme of all 3 institutions and they all
interesting and relevant to CS.
However, I am struggling to choose one
of them since I am unsure which univeristy will teach the best programme
relevant to CS since I am newbie. I would like to ask if anyone knows
or has experience with one of these universities and could guide me to
know which one would be best. My top deciding factor is the academic
programme and connections to industry. Location, etc. are nice too but I
want to learn as much as I can to be prepared the best way possible. I look
forward to your reply.
Tekn0logy Member Posts: 113 ■■■■□□□□□□
You need to research the market you are trying to break into. Basically; what school have most of the professionals & interns attended at the job you are seeking. There may be a bias in that regard and spending your (or your parent's) hard earned money for a credential that may not garner the respect of the hiring manager or future peers can be discouraging. Are there any promises of placement when you graduate?
kaiju Member Posts: 453 ■■■■■■■□□□
Curriculum at University of Rennes 1 seems to be normal course work for the first year for a Cybersecurity degree. If you are seeking a Policy and Management MSc you will need to make sure the last 2 years are spent on those topics.
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