GDAT - SEC599 Certification Preparation Guidance

Hi all, i'm about to take my SANS Sec599 exam by mid September. Having videos and booklets. Would like to know about the exam experience and thoughts. Whoever completed the exam, please provide your exam tips.
SteveLavoie Member Posts: 1,133 ■■■■■■■■■□
I can't tell for GDAT, but I would recommend you all the usual GIAC exam tips..
Know your stuff
Good index
Know where to find the information in your books
Do both practice exams that come with your voucher.. if you dont score well.. you wont score much better in the real exam. So better to study and buy a 3rd practice exam
Get rested and relax, it is only an exam.. sure it cost money but it's not your life on the edge of the cliff.
doo108 Member Posts: 24 ■■■□□□□□□□
I just took the GDAT exam TODAY! Boy was it tough!!! I have GCIA and GCED as well so I pretty much understand how to take a SANS exam at this point. The typical tips....index all the books, do the workbook exercises, follow the principle:
Index the books -> take the 1st practice exam -> revise the index -> take the 2nd practice exam -> revise the index again -> take the real exam
Assuming when you take the practice exams that you are passing with low 80s or should be ready for the exam.
I did notice that my exam questions for GDAT were a bit harder than the practice ones. So, don't go in thinking if you get an 80% on the practice exams that your golden. You still need to be on your Ps and Qs.
Another piece of the questions and answer choices carefully....word choice is critical in selecting the correct answers.
I hope this helps......Good luck! -
bhuvanesh2016 Registered Users Posts: 11 ■■■□□□□□□□
Thanks guys, your feeedbacks are really helped.
I finished last week and am very pleased to report that I received an 88% on the exam. Exam was moderately difficult and challenging. The course content is fantastic and aids in the development of a career in Purple Teaming as well as the proper implementation of the syllabus.