MS in Computer Science or CCIE Security

shebaaniteshebaanite Member Posts: 2 ■■□□□□□□□□
Dear all,

I have almost 10 years of experience in IT infrastructure field not purely in networking but over all infrastructure, I do have cisco security cores certification. Now i have two option should I go for CCIE security or i am getting a chance to do Master in computer science... I have already my bachelors degree in IT. 

Need suggestions either should go for Master in CS or prepare for CCIE.


  • trojintrojin Member Posts: 275 ■■■■□□□□□□
    these option are not mutually exclusive - one or other. You can do both. MSc is widening your horizons where CCIE proving your knowledge
    I'm just doing my job, nothing personal, sorry

    xx+ certs...and I'm not counting anymore

  • JDMurrayJDMurray Admin Posts: 13,113 Admin
    Need suggestions either should go for Master in CS or prepare for CCIE.
    These are two completely different career paths. Do you see yourself working as a computer scientist/programmer or as a network security architect/engineer? Make that decision and you'll have your answer.

  • UnixGuyUnixGuy Mod Posts: 4,570 Mod
    I'm afraid CCIE Doesn't hold as much value as it once did. It's mainly valued by Cisco so if you want a job at Cisco it helps.

    MSc Computer Science, do you want to do programming for a career?

    Which university? if it's a highly ranked Univeristy with on campus recruitment program ,it might help you land a job. As JD said, it'll help if you we know more about your current situation, experience, background, and location

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  • shebaaniteshebaanite Member Posts: 2 ■■□□□□□□□□
    UnixGuy said:
    I'm afraid CCIE Doesn't hold as much value as it once did. It's mainly valued by Cisco so if you want a job at Cisco it helps.

    MSc Computer Science, do you want to do programming for a career?

    Which university? if it's a highly ranked Univeristy with on campus recruitment program ,it might help you land a job. As JD said, it'll help if you we know more about your current situation, experience, background, and location

    Thanks for the info, 
    Actually i have total experience in IT infrastructure means server, networks, firewall switches and projects handling even i am planing to take major courses in MSc related to network and communications and also i am getting a chance to do MSCS form UTM Universiti Teknologi Malaysia one more thing i dont want programing as career just to stay in IT infrastructure side...need ur comment on that .

  • UnixGuyUnixGuy Mod Posts: 4,570 Mod
    Well I don't know how the market is in Malaysia but one thing I know for sure is that cloud certificates will give you excellent maketable skills, so look into AWS/Azure certs, I would prefer those over a CCIE.

    What's your career goals? I find technical knowledge in networking/infrastrcuture are better learned through certifications rather a university degree.

    Does a masters degree in Malaysia help you get higher salaries? In Australia they don't make a difference so it's a different market

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