
What is the difference between Information Technology and Information System?

shivajikobardanshivajikobardan Member Posts: 20 ■■□□□□□□□□
I have collected some differences.

1) IS focuses on business domain

2) IS requires business skills to operate.

3) IS includes not only technology but also people and processes.

4) IS has older origins.

1) IT focuses on technology domain

2) IT requires technology skills

3) IT includes only technology

4) IT came later.

What  else differences can I make?


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    JDMurrayJDMurray Admin Posts: 13,058 Admin
    That all sounds about right to me. IS is more business systems and information processing. Think IBM mainframes in banks and insurance companies with flow charts, COBOL programmers, and financial information on 120-column green bar printer paper. (Well, maybe back in the 1960-80's anyway.) Many IS people are really business people that didn't go into an accounting/finance degree program.
    IT is the sexier tech side of business information processing systems. Think electricity and electronics, non-information-related programming, and physical/virtual troubleshooting.  IT people are the ham radio operators of the business world and are typically regarded as nerds.
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    TechGromitTechGromit Member Posts: 2,156 ■■■■■■■■■□
    I've always used them interchangeably, not aware they ware different flavors of the Ice Cream. 
    Still searching for the corner in a round room.
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    JDMurrayJDMurray Admin Posts: 13,058 Admin
    Yeah, I think it is very modern to think of IS as part of IT. In college, the IS people are in the CIS program and the IT people in either the CS, SE, or EE program. You look at the differences in the required courses of CIS and the IT programs and you see the differences between IS and IT.
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    shivajikobardanshivajikobardan Member Posts: 20 ■■□□□□□□□□
    JDMurray said:
    That all sounds about right to me. IS is more business systems and information processing. Think IBM mainframes in banks and insurance companies with flow charts, COBOL programmers, and financial information on 120-column green bar printer paper. (Well, maybe back in the 1960-80's anyway.) Many IS people are really business people that didn't go into an accounting/finance degree program.
    IT is the sexier tech side of business information processing systems. Think electricity and electronics, non-information-related programming, and physical/virtual troubleshooting.  IT people are the ham radio operators of the business world and are typically regarded as nerds.
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