VMware at Stanly Community College

We have just been informed that Broadcom has terminated the VMware IT Academy. As such the last VMware ICM and OSS class we will be able to offer with access to academic licenses and exam discount vouchers will be starting on August 21st.
If you would like to enroll in this next 8 weeks
class to get the last access to academic licenses, please add your information to our IT Academy VMware page at https://www.stanly.edu/academics/it-academy/vmware-it-academy/index.html.
We will be able to guarantee access to academic licenses and downloads until August 29th at 11:59 PM EST, and exam discount vouchers until September 29th at 11:59 PM EST.
If we offer any VMware ICM or OSS classes after this 8 weeks they will not have access to D2L, academic licenses, and exam discount vouchers.