Could Someone Give me Guidance for Implementing a Security Awareness Program?

clausesalvatorrclausesalvatorr Member Posts: 2 ■■□□□□□□□□
Hello there,

I am working on implementing a security awareness program within my organization and would greatly appreciate your expertise and insights. Our goal is to enhance our overall security posture by improving; employee awareness and response to potential security threats.

We have around 200 employees across various departments; including IT; HR; finance; and operations.
We have noticed a few recurring issues, such as phishing attempts and weak password practices.
We are in the process of developing a training program but are unsure about the most effective methods and tools to use.

What types of training materials have you; found to be most engaging and effective? Are there any specific ;topics or scenarios that should be prioritized?

How often should training be conducted to ensure employees stay up to date with the latest threats? What are the; best practices for evaluating the effectiveness of the training?

Are there any particular tools ;or platforms that you recommend for delivering and tracking security awareness training?

What strategies have you used to address and overcome resistance from employees who may be less enthusiastic about participating in security training?

Thank you in advance for your assistance and help. o:)

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