Full Circle, oohh!! How the turntables have turned.....back to basics.

AxtonAxton Member Posts: 28 ■■■□□□□□□□
Long Story Short.  

1. Resigned from my current employer back in November 2021, due to COVID requirements.  (We all remember those requirements),  I worked IT support for 10 years. 
2. Unemployed from November 2021 to July 2022. 
3. Returned to school in July 2022, worked on Associate Degree in IT. 
4. Completed school in December 2023. 
5. I was contacted a total of four times since I had resigned, as a rehire, but refused to return, 1. due to COVID requirements in early 2022, and later due to school in late 2022 and 2023.   
6. Rehired for NON-IT position by same employer, in July 2024, yeah, I could not land a position in IT anywhere, but the pay is good, so why not.
7. As of Dec 12th, this year, I have been offer my old position as IT support, -----Because thier 'lead' Help Desk quit and the junior Help Desk is basically useless, as he was allowed to Telework.  Leaving only one help desk techician, in house.   So....due my current pay grade, I cannot be directly hired for the 'lead' help desk, I must compete for the position (to be announced). But, I can replace the junior help desk, since he is basically useless and they are going to let him go, they may some aggrement to keep him on for a year.  

I reluctly accepted the position as it will get me back into IT.  I just find it utterly rediculious that I am only offered the position back, since help is needed.  

I have another post, where I am looking to rebrand myself, getting this position will help as I have break in employment as well as a break in  IT employment.  


So, with the help of my new position, I hope I can take advantage of paid training, having some paid Certifications and leave to a higher paying position (elsewhere) within a a year.   I realize all of the "gifted horse" stuff, but honestly, after 10+ years, I came to realize that, yes, it is a job that pays, but no chance for advancement, as I stayed a junior help desk, despite my increased skills, opportunities never offered.   I am expected to begin in January 2025, waiting on official PW and so forth.   



  • volfkhatvolfkhat Member Posts: 1,077 ■■■■■■■■□□
    Certs WITHOUT EXP... will NOT get you far.
    Multiple Associate Degrees WITHOUT EXP... will NOT get you far.

    the CLASSIC catch-22... it is what it is.

    Your career forecast does Not look Bountiful.

    Factor in your Age... and i think you can see that the "deck" is stacked against you.

    You are NOT going to move outta Texas, right?

    Whelp... maybe settling/staying at that helpdesk role until you retire... really is the best option.
    If the Job isn't stressing you out... and you can do the Fred Flintsone Yabadabadoo at 5pm....  maybe that's good enough.

    if i were you... the only cert i would still focus on is the Security+.
    The FEDS like it..... so maybe a door might eventually open for you one day (slim chance... but still).

    You Once said:

    So…as stated in one of my last post.  My plan of Attack.

    1.    Cloud Essentials + by end of November (only because I have the voucher)

    2.    Sec + by end of January 2024 (going to purchase new voucher from school)

    3.    Cloud + by the end of April 2024 (again, only because I have the voucher)

    4.    CYSA+ (003) by the end of September 2024. (The School did provide a voucher)

    I will throw in some 365 study time in there.  


    After that I am hope to land “any” job and hopefully,  a “good” IT job.  I will look at other areas as the years progress.   
    As silly as it sounds, I need to be employed for another 15 years, got two children that need to go to college.


    Whelp... I thought it was a decent road map.
    You completed step #1... but failed steps 2, 3, and 4.

    So of course it makes sense that your job prospects have NOT really improved.

    (just sayin)

    Maybe just be grateful for what you have...
    Maybe be grateful that you refused "the jab"...
    Maybe be grateful for your wife & kids...
    and Maybe be grateful for getting yor old job back.

    Good luck!
  • AxtonAxton Member Posts: 28 ■■■□□□□□□□

    I appreciate the comments.  

    I appreciate the words of discouragement (encouragement), but to quote a movie (I can not recall).   "I am still here, I am still standing, I am still strong".   

    I appreciate the thrown rocks at my past failures, but they are in the past.   The Fred Flintstone comment was as good one, I can appreciate the humor. 

    Staying in West TEXAS is more of factor, as we (as a family) decide to stake claim in our area.  So, now finances are more of factor, higher paying position is no longer a "want", but  "need" 

    I would agree with all your POST, and despite my reluctance to take my old job back.   You are correct. 

    "Maybe just be grateful for what you have...
    Maybe be grateful that you refused "the jab"...
    Maybe be grateful for your wife & kids...
    and Maybe be grateful for getting your old job back."

    I guess it just stinks, to come back "full circle".      There are a lot of 'should've, could've"    It would be wise to follow the advise of some and not stay at one place more then 2 to 4 years, learn, gain skills and find other opportunities.    Thinking back, of course, but we are here and the now is where we focus.  

    I believe I will follow  
    JDMurray's Post from my other thread. 

    "Based on what you've posted in this thread, I have the following opinions:
    For sysadmin, Linux/UNIX experience is essential. All non-Microsoft computers and devices are Linux/UNIX. 
    Cloud is not "up and coming" but is instead "here and now." If you don't have Cloud knowledge/experience by now then you are already behind the game.
    Unless you have an employer that says otherwise, Hyper-V is the way to go for your first Cloud certs. Every employer has a Microsoft network, and everything Microsoft runs on Hyper-V. Most VMs in the Cloud are Microsoft OSes; most OSes on the computers in a Cloud DC are Linux.
    For a sysadmin job, the network and security certs are only a "nice to have," but may give you an edge over your job-seeking competition.
    Don't bother renewing certifications unless you are teaching the cert or it's the CISSP. It is extremely rare that a sysadmin job opportunity will require current certs. 
    Review newer releases of cert exams to learn the new material, but you don't need to re-take the exam--most hiring managers don't care how old your certs are or that they are expired.
    Remember that you are being hired to solve your hiring manager's problems. You must demonstrate how you have "saved the day" as a sysadmin and can do the same for your next employers too."

    I will maintain my focus on AZURE and other MS certs, (maybe some AWS) as they are inexpensive, do a bit more network/serve studying.     Security + is still an option, I still would like to obtain the Cloud+ (personal goal).   

    But after all is said and done. As much as I hate to say, "maybe settling/staying at that helpdesk role until you retire... really is the best option."  is kinda true.   But maybe for the next year, I will focus on making other options and other opportunities.

    I appreciate the comments.  (gonna make some coffee and get ready for my NON-IT job,  TEEHEE)  

    Thanks, again.  
  • volfkhatvolfkhat Member Posts: 1,077 ■■■■■■■■□□
    edited December 2024

    I wasn't trying to make "words of Discouragement"...

    i was just trying to say that it might be "OKAY" to accept never achieving your "goal".

    But If you still have your HEALTH.... i believe that you are Richer than you may realize.

    for the record,
    Last year, i remeber saying that  you should  focus on the Office365 mdt101-102 curriculumn. it already aligned with your skillset and interest... so it just made more sense.
    CHasing after cysa+ and other certs just because Your classes told you to.... seemed like a distraction.

    Felt like  you were just gonna be "chasing your tail"... and never getting anywhere.
    (was i right?)

    but As long as you still have some "fight" left in you.... feel free to keep "Grinding".

    the Secuirty+ still has value in the DOD world... so i would still keep that on the radar.

    just my 2 cents.

    My only other personal advice is simply:
    Don't chase after a certain cert/technology... just because you "heard" that it can lead to a big Pay day.

    At the end of the Day... if you don't really enjoy/appreciate the Subject matter... then it will become really difficult to Fully Master it.

    btw, i think Fred Flinstone was a Lucky S.O.B.
    Punching out at 5pm and running home is UNDER RATED lol

    George Jetson had it even better.... he only worked a 3 hour Wok-day!

    I'm currently struggling at my job at a bank.
    the paychecks are Huge... but i have to put in frequent late nights/ afterhours.
    I wish i could hang on for 3 more years.... but at thi spoint, i Can't.

    I'm currently interviewing for a job that pays 30% LESS... but with No More Late Nights.
    I put in my 40 hours... and i'm OUT.
    Happiness is relative :'D

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