Estimated Timeline

Hello everyone I am new to this platform and just have a quick question. I have my Sec+ cert already and was instructed to go for my CCNA next along with GCHI and GPEN. To get my Sec+ i studied religiously for about 40 hours a week for about a month. Most if not all of the material was new to me. So my question is for CCNA what are the best resources to use to study with? I know textbooks and such exist but I'm not really the kind who absorbs knowledge through reading that well. For my SEC+ i mostly used professormesser vids, practice test, and a 4 day bootcamp for all my information. Additionally, i dont have that much time because im in the army and deployed so I work about 12 hours a day 6 days a week. Im curious if I study for about 2-3 hours a day and potentially more on my off days how long on average would getting just CCNA take. Obviously this doesn't factor in prior knowledge, study habits, learning ability's ect but im curious to see how many certs i can get while out of the country. Thank you