Need some info on revision & study material
Getting ready to study to my eyes pop out.
gatheredup a lot of material from the web on the net + especially the excellent material offered from this site. to the webmaster. I will rack my brain just trying to organize everything. I need some info please on purchasing study guides i know that the network + was revised in jan 2002. So i was wondering do i really need to purchase books printed after the revision or is books say printed in 1999 such as the AIO network cetification exam guide sufficient. Thought about purchasing the exam cram 2 series Network + by Mike Harwood 2002 anyone have any advice on this book.
gatheredup a lot of material from the web on the net + especially the excellent material offered from this site. to the webmaster. I will rack my brain just trying to organize everything. I need some info please on purchasing study guides i know that the network + was revised in jan 2002. So i was wondering do i really need to purchase books printed after the revision or is books say printed in 1999 such as the AIO network cetification exam guide sufficient. Thought about purchasing the exam cram 2 series Network + by Mike Harwood 2002 anyone have any advice on this book.
bellboy Member Posts: 1,017i heard that when the network+ was revised that it did not contain substantial changes on the previous objectives. it is likely that if you did decide to get an older book if it was cheaper, that you woul dbe able to fill-in-the-gaps using the network+ technotes from this site.A+ Moderator
jlambert Member Posts: 89 ■■□□□□□□□□I'm currently going through the exam cram 2 book and it is great.
cheeblie Member Posts: 288I used the Exam Cram 2 book and scored 886 on the test. It's a great book for the test. Enough said.