A+/MCSA/MCSE Questions

Hey guys
Well I'm 18 years old (old? ;p), been using computers for like 4 years now.
I have basic knowledge when it comes to OS(windows), and basic knowledge when it comes to hardware.
Now, what do u guys think, I don't have any other certs or anything.
I want to start now with A+ (I'm taking courses..), then MCSA, and then MCSE, what do you think I will be able to pass all of these certs/exams?
It's not that I'm going to do it all in 1 time, first the A+, then the MCSA, and then the MCSE.
Let me know your thoughts please!
By the way, I'm taking courses to the MCSA and the MCSE too. I ain't studying by myself, Although I will be practicing at home alone..
Well I'm 18 years old (old? ;p), been using computers for like 4 years now.
I have basic knowledge when it comes to OS(windows), and basic knowledge when it comes to hardware.
Now, what do u guys think, I don't have any other certs or anything.
I want to start now with A+ (I'm taking courses..), then MCSA, and then MCSE, what do you think I will be able to pass all of these certs/exams?
It's not that I'm going to do it all in 1 time, first the A+, then the MCSA, and then the MCSE.
Let me know your thoughts please!
By the way, I'm taking courses to the MCSA and the MCSE too. I ain't studying by myself, Although I will be practicing at home alone..
Danman32 Member Posts: 1,243
If you are comfortable with networking (you are able to determine why you can't reach a website, whether it is DNS, IP, your problem, ISP's or target website's), then when you are done with your class(s) for a particular exam, you should pass with some extra study. If you aren't comfortable right now with the troubleshooting example, it depends on how quickly you grasp the concepts.
You may want to consider Network+ as well. You can use the A+ and Network+ as an elective for MCSA (though not for MCSE). -
jpeezy55 Member Posts: 255
I took a 14-month course at a nearby Tech School that covered A+, MCSA/MCSE, and CCNA. We had 5 weeks at 2 days per week for classes, each lasting 4 hours per night. A+ was 3 night a week, everything else was 2. I started taking exams as soon as we finished a term, so I was A+ certified 10-11 weeks into the program. I then took my Windows XP exam as soon as we finished those 5 weeks...yes, we covered 70-270 in 40 hours total class time. I passed that one. Then I slowed down and did not take anything else for the rest of the course. The reason being is that I realized if I had waited for taking my 270, I might have done better since material we covered in 290 was on the XP exam too. I did pass 290 last february. I failed 291 in April and then I took a break from Microsoft and passed Network+ last month and now I'm back to Microsoft and just need 291 for my MCSA. I tried CCNA right after we finished that term too, but failed badly...Think about that, CCNA in just 40 hours time, with 16 students working on 2 switches, when they worked...kinda sucked!
Anyway, I still have 3-4 vouchers that expire in September and I probably will let them expire since I won't be ready for the next tests by then.
Where was I going with this? Oh yeah, you will be hit with a lot of information, but it is possible to keep up if you want to take them like I did, but slow down and focus hard when you get to MCSA/MCSE, there is a ton of information, but it all blends together somewhat.
It'll be 2 years this October since I started out on my Certification journey, and I only have A+, MCP, and Network+ (which was not part of my school, but one that I wanted) and one other exam passed (70-290). The CST is it's own little thing over there in my cert list...
Good luck!!!Tech Support: "Ok, so your monitor is not working, the screen is blank, and no matter what you do it stays blank? Do you see that button on the bottom right hand side just below the screen? Press it. . . . Great, talk to you next time!"