passed 272
passed with a low score of 754, should have done better. I swear there was one question that had no correct answer to choose from. I even asked during the exit reveiw if there was a correct answer. I used MS press books. Now i'm back on track to 70-290, I just picked up the MCDST after I took the 70-270 four weeks ago while everything was still fresh.
Webmaster Admin Posts: 10,292 Admin
Even the real exam isn't always perfect, and I don't know if this is the case for the current MCDST exams, but they can include unscored beta questions. Either way, if several people report the same question they will check it out. More often two or more question seem to produce the required results, but one may be the preferred Microsoft-way to do it and/or one may produce additional results. Anyway, the most important thing is you passed. -
billybob01 Member Posts: 504
Were the questions like the MCP exams, long drawn out questions that took up a lot of time just reading the damn things or were they more one sentence type questions?? How many did you get? How long for the exam? -
voxic Member Posts: 13 ■□□□□□□□□□
I passed the exam yesterday. It was 50 questions @ 90min. the questions were not one sentence like on A+, BUT they are nowhere near the length of MS design exams or networking exams.
The average question was probably 5 or 6 sentences. Few were longer than that, few were shorter. -
mclemore1 Member Posts: 37 ■■□□□□□□□□
The questions were long, 75% of the exam was six to ten sentences long and I had to read some of them two to three times. I had 50 questions and 90 minutes.