Just passed Net+

Deano1971Deano1971 Member Posts: 5 ■□□□□□□□□□
Cheers for the technotes and practice exams they were quite handy....

Along with the Sybex book, 5 day course @UKITtraining I have just passed the Net+ exam with a score of 820... icon_eek.gif I was really worried before the exam icon_confused.gif

I was a little stumped on a couple of questions but all in all it was easy compared to the A+ where I just scraped through both times......Maybe it is finally starting to sink in eh??? icon_confused.gif:

Well I still have few more exams along the way to an MCSA........

I am looking for an entry level position somewhere in London or home counties.........What is the job market like as I only see jobs with 12 - 24 months experience????? icon_evil.gif

Thanks once again.....



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