One for the HR dept


Just wondering if we have any hiring managers here or anyone has any thoughts. icon_confused.gif Sorry long one this.....

I'm looking at moving jobs and looking on most job applications I see they want exchange and server 2003 experience. I work in a small team of 2 ( sorry to say the manager asks me for help on most things icon_redface.gif ). We cover about 150 users and equipment. Have 14 servers ( 2 citrix ). We are able to do most tasks requires for both server side and client side of everything. However we do have a third party company to turn to if we have something major we cant figure out ( happy to put my hands up here )

Now back to my original question..... I've gone out of my way to get certified on citrix XP and PS3 because we had no training. I've got the MCDST and the XP 270. But no server side certificates ( because half the server side options we dont use ) I didnt setup the original network but have done a few smaller ones at regional offices. However Im not that familiar with DNS ( I know what it does ) and subnetting ( know the theory but dont need to apply it alot of times. )

Also even though I've taken a year to pass these exams, because I dont always use the experience I can quickly forget the things I've learnt again ( ie stood in front of our citrix server looking blank again but knowing I knew this inside out 6 months ago ) and having to fumble. Just retaining the theory in some cases.

So another question is if I went to a new job would I be expected to know everything inside out because I have some certificates or do employers know you have knowledge in some areas so will make allowances?

Any replies welcome but would love to hear from hiring managers.
Remember I.T. means In Theory ( it should works )


  • Danman32Danman32 Member Posts: 1,243
    Your post suggested a couple of questions, but I could only see one at the bottom. Searched for question marks just in case, only one found.
    Was there more than one question you wanted to ask?

    As for losing abilites after a short time, I hear you. I am a very good troubleshooter for core Netware problems, but calls have dropped off considerably since we dropped selling postsales support, and most of the Novell calls are gone by the wayside. So now when I get a few, I sometimes get stumped a bit.

    I am not a hiring manager, but I don't think you would be expected to know it all. Your job experience probably says more than the cert. Certs usually say you were exposed to a technology, and you are smart enough to pass a test on it. You'd be suprised though how many in the field don't even know that a default gateway IP should be in the same subnet as the IP of the host.
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