About to start studying for MCSE 2003 track

Hi all,
Forst of all I will like to say hello and congratulate all of the certified guys and girls helping here. I am about to start with the MCSE 2003 track to get certified,, but will go 1 exam at a time. The requirements are 7 exams right? In total I meant.
Also I got this video package and will like to get an opinion if anybody has used it. http://cgi.ebay.com/Complete-MCSE-MCSA-2003-Training-Package-in-3-DVDs_W0QQitemZ150015970681QQihZ005QQcategoryZ3517QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem
Thanks to all
Forst of all I will like to say hello and congratulate all of the certified guys and girls helping here. I am about to start with the MCSE 2003 track to get certified,, but will go 1 exam at a time. The requirements are 7 exams right? In total I meant.
Also I got this video package and will like to get an opinion if anybody has used it. http://cgi.ebay.com/Complete-MCSE-MCSA-2003-Training-Package-in-3-DVDs_W0QQitemZ150015970681QQihZ005QQcategoryZ3517QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem
Thanks to all
Danman32 Member Posts: 1,243
One exam at a time is the only way to do anything.
To make things more encouraging, you are an MCP on your first MS 70 series exam.
Then when you complete 70-270 (or 210), 290, 291 and an elective, you are an MCSA.
Then following the MCSA, pass 293, 294, and 298 (or 297) plus possibly a qualifying elective if your MCSA elective doesn't qualify and you have MCSE.
So you have milestones and rest stops along the way to MCSE.
I suggest Security+ for your elective as it qualifies for MCSA and MCSE, and take the 298 for your design in MCSE. That will put you one test away from a security specialization without otherwise adding any additional work toward the MCSE. -
Wiver Member Posts: 11 ■□□□□□□□□□
Hey thanks a lot for the quick reply... so basicaly I will be starting with MCSA then advancing to MCSE... and having some plus certifications on security....
Will there be any issues if I just follow the MCSE exams? by the way is it 6 or 7 exams...?
Thanks so much..
Juan -
Danman32 Member Posts: 1,243
I think you are missing my point. You will get an MCSA on your way to MCSE, just as you will pass through Plant City, FL on your way to Miami from Atlanta.
However, you want to strategize your choice of electives and design so that you don't have to double back and take extra exams.
Case in point: you can use A+ and Net+ for MCSA cert, but not for MCSE, so if your overall goal is MCSE, you wouldn't want to use A+/NET+ as your MCSA elective (though you might want to take them for their own rights). And if you choose 298 for the design, and you choose Security+ for your elective, then you only have one more test for the security specialization of MCSE, rather than having to take 2 more security based elective exams. -
Wiver Member Posts: 11 ■□□□□□□□□□
Thanks.. yep previously I understood part of what you told me.. jejeej It's not a good idea to take more exams and pay extra.. knowing that they are not that cheap jejejeje
I'll follow that structure... thanks!!! Security specialization sounds great... So I'll end up being a MCSA/MCSE security especialized guy right?
That sounds awesome... By the way you saw the link I posted with some MCSA/MCSE training material? What do you think?
Juan -
Danman32 Member Posts: 1,243
To get the specialization, you'd need one more test over the required 7 for MCSE (or 4 for MCSA). 299 and 350 are decent candidates.
I was going to go for 299: implementing security, but now I think I might do ISA 2004 via 350.
As for what you linked, the actual auction you linked is over, so I can't see what it was. The recommended alternatives it shows seems to be the same as you described, but it doesn't show who publishes it so I can't really say if it is any good or not.
Take a look at the various posts for the different tests. CBT Nuggets seems to be very popular, but they aren't cheap. A complete MCSE set can be had for $999 US.
To get my MCSA towards the MCSE, I completed my 2000 track since I only needed one more test over the set of tests I completed several years ago. Then upgraded the 2000 MCSA to MCSE using 292 which I used MS-Press. I don't think the book completely prepared me for the exam, as I just passed with a 700. Probably should have subscribed to practice exams, such aas Measure-Up. I didn't know about TechExams then.
For 293,294,298 I used Sybex and Syngress. I started with Sybex for Security+ before proceeding toward MCSE from MCSA, failed by one question. Others recommended Syngress so I went and got that but held off on Sec+ to take advantage of MS's 2nd shot promo. -
Wiver Member Posts: 11 ■□□□□□□□□□
Hi, it's me again bothering....
I've designed this based on what you told me... let me know what you think...
Core 70-270 (70-210)
Core 70-290
Core 70-291
Elective 70-299
I am an MCSA
Core 70-293
Core 70-294
Core 70-297 (70-298 preferably)
Elective 70-284
I am an MCSE
Security Specialization 70-350 or Security+
Did I get your point? or you think it needs changes?
Thanks, and sorry to bother you that much!!! -
Danman32 Member Posts: 1,243
You wouldn't need 284. 299 would suffice.
Nor would you need 350 if you chose 299 and you take Sec+.
In other words, for the security specialization, choose 2 of the following electives:
Choosing only one of the above will work as an elective for non-specialized MCSA/MCSE. -
Wiver Member Posts: 11 ■□□□□□□□□□
Is it better now?
Core 70-270 (70-210)
Core 70-290
Core 70-291
Elective 70-299
I am an MCSA
Core 70-293
Core 70-294
Core 70-297 (70-298 preferably)
I am an MCSE
Security Specialization 70-350 OR Security+ (either one)
I am sorry to bother you that much, and I hope not to seem a little dumb on this... but I want to do it the right way and follow the steps the proper way...
Thanks -
Danman32 Member Posts: 1,243
Yup that would do it. You have to use 298 though for your design to get security specialization. -
Wiver Member Posts: 11 ■□□□□□□□□□
Nice.... well 8 exams to go.. and a HELL LOT to study...
What happens if I take the 70-297 instead of the 70-298? It will not be a security specialized certification track?
An that security+ is from comptia right?
Thanks... -
Wiver Member Posts: 11 ■□□□□□□□□□
Nice.... well 8 exams to go.. and a HELL LOT to study...
What happens if I take the 70-297 instead of the 70-298? It will not be a security specialized certification track?
An that security+ is from comptia right?
Thanks... -
Wiver Member Posts: 11 ■□□□□□□□□□
Do you think that stufying with a DVD that contains video classes of each course will help me?
Reading is good.. the only thing is that reading from the computer makes your eyes really tired.
Thanks -
Danman32 Member Posts: 1,243
Wiver wrote:Nice.... well 8 exams to go.. and a HELL LOT to study...
What happens if I take the 70-297 instead of the 70-298? It will not be a security specialized certification track?
An that security+ is from comptia right?
298 is required for the specialization.
Yes, Sec+ is a Comptia exam. It is a challenging exam, more challenging than Net+ and A+. For one thing, the passing cutoff score is much higher, an equivalent of an 830 on MS scale.