
If you could do it over again, would you go into I.T.?

computerguy9355computerguy9355 Inactive Imported Users Posts: 81 ■■□□□□□□□□
lets just say if you can start your life over again, would you choose I.T. or you would choose some other profession ??

i would, because its my passion :)


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    remyforbes777remyforbes777 Member Posts: 499
    I love IT , If I could do it over the only thing I would have changed is getting into earlier. I have a few certs under my belt and I am working on Security + and CCNA. I have a nice network of people that are very knowledgable and don't mind me asking questions. I attend a 2600 group comprised mainly of Linux users. I am currently only working Tech Support but I am paying dues and they are paying me 22/hr. No that is not a typo, that is 22/hr. I get OT at times also. I do tech work on the side for a company that pays me 40 dollars per site. I can do anywhere from 2-5 sites a day on my off days. Here is the great thing. I work 4 10 hour days. Sun - Wed , off Thur, Frid, and Sat. On Sun, I am the only person in the building so I chill, study, watch DVD movies. Its lovely right now for me. IT has afforded me some great things right now. I am a hard worker with a passion for learning and to me it pays off. I won't be on help desk long. I am also pursuing my Associates degree in Computer Network Engineering. I love what I do, and its not just a money thing, its a respect thing. I like being respected for what I know. So the answer is HELL YEAH I WOULD DO IT AGAIN.
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    rockstar81rockstar81 Member Posts: 151
    IT is great and I am really pleased to be involved in it.
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    !30!30 Member Posts: 356
    Me to, but I would began earlier :D
    Optimism is an occupational hazard of programming: feedback is the treament. (Kent Beck)
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    bighornsheepbighornsheep Member Posts: 1,506
    technically, I'm not in IT field yet...considering I'm still in school.

    But yes, I will choose to be in IT, and likely I will stay in IT.
    Jack of all trades, master of none
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    12thlevelwarrior12thlevelwarrior Member Posts: 302
    If I could go back I would go into acting or possibly professional golf or maybe rockstar.
    Every man dies, not every man really lives.
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    BubbaJBubbaJ Member Posts: 323
    If I could go back I would go into acting or possibly professional golf or maybe rockstar.
    The money would be nice, but I have no use for the fame that accompanies success in those professions.
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    sharptechsharptech Member Posts: 492 ■■□□□□□□□□
    Love the field and would def. do it all over again..
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    SlowhandSlowhand Mod Posts: 5,161 Mod
    If I could do it over, I wouldn't do what I did. I didn't "choose" IT, it was sort of dropped on me, and a close friend convinced me to learn more. I was disinterested, and I thought it was only going to be a passing phase. This kind of thinking came mainly because I was scratching the surface all the time. I kept on just barely touching on things I could do, I didn't spend the time to learn what I could have learned, and I passed up a lot of great opportunities because I simply didn't know what I had on my hands.

    I'd go back and learn all the things my friend was offering to teach, I'd spend the time to get A+ and Net+ certified six years ago, as opposed to getting my A+ two years ago and not having done the Net+ at all. I'd have taken my first programming class a little more seriously, not just "sit through it and get to the end." Sure, I got an A, but I didn't really spend the time coding to really learn, and I regret that. Had I spent the time, had I made a little more effort, I would have found that I love this type of work, and messing with all things IT. I wouldn't just have thought it was something to do, just a wave to ride while the dotcom boom was happening. And if I'd have spent that time, then, I might have seen the need to take school a little more seriously and get crackin' on it back then, as opposed to trying to make it work now. I suppose that's what you get with 20/20 hindsight, huh?

    If I could do it over again, I'd choose IT. . . for the very first time.

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    Let it never be said that I didn't do the very least I could do.
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    OlajuwonOlajuwon Inactive Imported Users Posts: 356
    If I could do it over, I would choose a different IT branch. icon_wink.gif
    "And in the end, it's not the years in your life that count. It's the life in your years"
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    binarysoulbinarysoul Member Posts: 993
    If I were to do it all over again, I would be in IT banning GUI environment and making everything command-line based icon_lol.gificon_lol.gificon_lol.gif
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    jpeezy55jpeezy55 Member Posts: 255
    If I could go back, I would definitely start earlier! I have been working with computers since around 1981, and for some reason, never made it a profession, just the usual basement-dwelling computer geek living on pizza & coca cola (Yes, those stories of basement-geeks are true!)...I did Heating & Air Conditioning labor for 18 years and when I lost that job, my wife talked me into going to school and getting some certs and now I am working in a school as a PC Tech and working towards being a Network Admin. I only have 1 year of actual real-world "getting-paid-for-it" computer experience and a handful of certs, but on the side I have about 20+ years of experience -- so, for me it would just be starting sooner to make it my career. icon_mad.gif

    But, I do plan on doing something IT related until I retire... icon_rolleyes.gif
    Tech Support: "Ok, so your monitor is not working, the screen is blank, and no matter what you do it stays blank? Do you see that button on the bottom right hand side just below the screen? Press it. . . . Great, talk to you next time!"
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    garv221garv221 Member Posts: 1,914
    If I had to do it over again, would I choose IT? Good question, more thank likely no. I would change a few things. I went to college right out highschool for an associate degree and knew I wanted to get into this filed. If I did it over I would have went into the 4yr program undecided, drank ALOT more beer, seen alot more women and figured out what I wanted to do by my junior year and looked foward to a five year bachelor degree. Serious, a teenager is in no position to make a decision on a career that they will live with the rest of their lives.
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    Danman32Danman32 Member Posts: 1,243
    I would have stuck with utilizing my BSEE and get into designing circuits around microcontrollers. A single chip today can do what my Atari 800 could do 20 years ago. Well, almost.
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