Installing Server 2003

This might seem like a dumb question but I have been burned by MS install discs before.
I have a full blown copy of server 2003 5 cal. No upgrade disc, full version. I am using it for testing purposes. I have a couple of boxes that I am considering running it on.
Q; If i install it on one machine today, with no internet connectivity, can I install it on another machine later?
Q;Are there things to watch out for as far as installing on different machines and the liscences?
I am not trying to run the same liscense on multiple machines simultaneously, I just might upgrade to a more powerful machine later.
Is this some thing that is not possible?
My end goal here is to setup a lab with VMware...
Any insight would be helpful. I have reformatted a machine before, only after realizing that I messed up and could not re-install after wiping the drive.
I have a full blown copy of server 2003 5 cal. No upgrade disc, full version. I am using it for testing purposes. I have a couple of boxes that I am considering running it on.
Q; If i install it on one machine today, with no internet connectivity, can I install it on another machine later?
Q;Are there things to watch out for as far as installing on different machines and the liscences?
I am not trying to run the same liscense on multiple machines simultaneously, I just might upgrade to a more powerful machine later.
Is this some thing that is not possible?
My end goal here is to setup a lab with VMware...
Any insight would be helpful. I have reformatted a machine before, only after realizing that I messed up and could not re-install after wiping the drive.
plettner Member Posts: 197
Grigsby wrote:Q; If i install it on one machine today, with no internet connectivity, can I install it on another machine later?
You will need to activate the installation at some stage (unless it is some sort of volume licensed copy). If you don't have an Internet connection for that computer, you'll need to activate by phone within 15 days.
That initial activation generates a hardware "hash" unique to your computer and the CD-key you obtained with the Server2003.
If this hardware hash containing your CD-key turns up on another hardware platform, it will say you can't activate as the copy is on another computer.
I have heard that Microsoft only store the hash for 90 days. After that, you can load your copy eleswhere and activate without dramas. I have found this to be true. However, Microsoft have recently changed some aspects of activation which may not hold my findings valid.
Later, if you indeed did an upgrade of your computer, and you cannot activate, just call them and explain. I've never been turned around and I upgrade my hardware every 6 months or so.
I hope this is what you were after.