New Job

GhentGhent Member Posts: 310
Well, my 9 months of entry level tech support has paid off. I just found out today that I'm about to change jobs within my company, and begin doing tech support for Mac users as well as oracle databases. As far as I know, I'm senior employee in my new project, so I'm up for a supervisory position. Wish me luck, and thank you God.
Prais'd be the fathomless universe, for life and joy, and for objects and knowledge curious.' Whalt Whitman


  • Ghetto RamboGhetto Rambo Member Posts: 31 ■■□□□□□□□□
    dam congrats! I wish I could even find an entry level job tech support where I live at.
  • cheebliecheeblie Member Posts: 288
    icon_sad.gif I've been searching for 4 months and still have not found any kind of job. I apply to so many jobs, but rarely get any response. I'm starting to doubt if I'll ever get any experience. I keep getting more certifications but they don't seem to help. So I just sit around my house and study. Not more for me to do than that.

  • GhentGhent Member Posts: 310
    Yeah, I hear california is pretty much saturated as far as the job market goes. Good luck though.
    Prais'd be the fathomless universe, for life and joy, and for objects and knowledge curious.' Whalt Whitman
  • Ghetto RamboGhetto Rambo Member Posts: 31 ■■□□□□□□□□
    lately, I have got a few responses back so now at least I know they are receiving my resume but its always something like they are only recruiting locally at the time or the position been filled.
  • hoop__it__uphoop__it__up Member Posts: 9 ■□□□□□□□□□
    Hey do u know what questions I could expect on the interview and whats the salary in entry level tech support cuz I have interview in that on Wednesday and I really suck on the interviews i can't answer questions without pausing and seem to act nervous since they r such a rare occasion
    thnx Peace
  • GhentGhent Member Posts: 310
    My interview to get my entry level job was just set down at a computer that provided an interactive exam, you pass the test, you get the job. But when it comes to interviews in IT, the trick is just be confident. Walk into that job telling yourself that you know everything that you need to know. If you have to pause and think, just make it look like your comfortable and casual with your response. Besides, thinking about your answer could be a benefit anyway. If I was hiring you, I'd rather you think about all the possible solutions and then pick the best, as opposed to you just spurting off some b.s. off the top of your head. Just relax, be confident, and be casual.
    Prais'd be the fathomless universe, for life and joy, and for objects and knowledge curious.' Whalt Whitman
  • kicker22kicker22 Member Posts: 80 ■■□□□□□□□□
    ok this is what I think and what I do.

    You cant convince me there is no entry jobs available.. Maybe few but they still exist!
    now, you gotta work hard your way through. Try to differentiate yourself among other applicants in anyway possible.

    this is what I do..

    1. get certified (big step).
    2. Experience? I make up few and work on it with my friends to back me up just IN CASE! but make sure you have the knowledge to back up yourself!
    3. Represent myself well enough in a professional way.
    4. Have Perfect answers for all kind of questions, I get the perfect answers from virtual interview
    5. Have my own portfolio site that covers all my projects and such in details!
    6. Market yourself! Network Yourself! Work of mouth..whatever!
    7. If you are not smart, then act like one at least!
    8. If other people did it and got a job in this level of economy, then you can do it! if they can do it then you can! we all are human!

    thats all,

  • GhentGhent Member Posts: 310
    One more thing. I know it doesn't always pay the best, but never underestimate the beauty of temporary services. It only took me a few months to get hired on full time, and after that, it's all good.
    Prais'd be the fathomless universe, for life and joy, and for objects and knowledge curious.' Whalt Whitman
  • Ghetto RamboGhetto Rambo Member Posts: 31 ■■□□□□□□□□
    Hey do u know what questions I could expect on the interview and whats the salary in entry level tech support cuz I have interview in that on Wednesday and I really suck on the interviews i can't answer questions without pausing and seem to act nervous since they r such a rare occasion
    thnx Peace

    Does anyone else use for pay ranges of position? I usually use that site, personal use then basic report jus to get a idea of the pay range depending on your location.
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