only Microsoft vouchers?

I would like MS vouchers, but seems they are the only resource I can find. I will be taking my test via prometric
Xinxing is the hairy one.


  • 2lazybutsmart2lazybutsmart Member Posts: 1,119
    well man gotta tell you this, but I've a tendency to take all my tests at VUE. First, I think they have better relations with MS cuz changes are reflected on your transcript almost instantly. I took two exams at Prometric, both were completely messed up. One of them even ended up with a wrong examination number. icon_cry.gif after a long quarrel, I decided not to use prometric anymore. unless, of course, I couldn't get my hands on VUE. never had a problem with VUE. icon_lol.gif BTW, getcertified4less does have MS vouchers, ain't it? u can get em for 115 bucks. icon_wink.gif
    Exquisite as a lily, illustrious as a full moon,
    Magnanimous as the ocean, persistent as time.
  • CrossCross Member Posts: 234
    Also to note many of them MS Press Kit books you buy for $50 or $60 USD carries a coupon to schedule and also at times get a discount with VUE.
    I'll change highways at the crossroads, I'm going only where I desire.
  • DrakonblaydeDrakonblayde Member Posts: 542
    I've pulled a couple of the MCSE 2nd Edition training kits off of and saved 20 bucks off the cover price. The discount voucher was still good too (made sure to ask before I purchased hehe)
    = Marcus Drakonblayde
    ==[X]===[X]====[ ]=====[ ]====[ ]==
  • pandimuspandimus Member Posts: 651
    Well unfortunatly I have a whole MS press core Kit.. No vouchers.. And secondly, There are no vue testing centers near me..

    I was just curious, if I could get a voucher cheaper than 115

    Just being cheap..

    Matter of fact My GI bill pays me back for my Tests. I just recieved a Direct deposit for my A+core, os and Net+ Tests.. 475 bux.. I'm just cheap and dont like to front that much.. And oh yeah, Gi bill has a set price for what they will pay for a test. So if I find a voucher under what they pay, I start making money

    Xinxing is the hairy one.
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