5th Anniversary of September 11th

PremierCiscoPremierCisco Member Posts: 221
Would just like to remember the many who perished on this day five years ago.

My taughts are with their family and friends

Never forgotten


Bachelor of Science in Computer Services Management - Limerick Institute of Technology
Higher Certificate in Science in Computer Services - Limerick Institute of Technology
Certificate Information Technology and Computing - The Open University
Certificate in Computing and Mathematics -The Open University


  • sprkymrksprkymrk Member Posts: 4,884 ■■■□□□□□□□
    Yes, that day will long be remembered.

    Also would like to say "thanks" to all those fighting overseas as a direct result of this day - whether in Afghanistan or Iraq. Whether or not anyone agrees with the war itself, our troops are there because it's their job and they deserve our moral support. I'm not sure of the statistics of our allies, but the US has had somewhere in the neighborhood of 18,000 wounded and nearly 3000 who won't be coming home to their families. icon_sad.gif

    If anyone has an hour to kill, and you're not overly squeemish, check this out sometime:
    All things are possible, only believe.
  • PCHoldmannPCHoldmann Member Posts: 450
    Amen & Amen

    My thoughts and prayers with those who have lost anyone in the attacks, or the war.

    It is amazing to think that it was 5 years ago. I remember so much of it like it was last week.
    There's no place like ^$
    Visit me at Route, Switch, Blog
  • !30!30 Member Posts: 356
    I was 13 then , but I remember like yesterday.

    World Trade Center , Pentagon , die's , I remain icon_eek.gif

    Do you know that at 11/08/2006 , the terrorts plan the same thing ? ..but they're cath UK ? and at 8 september they send to american's a tape with planing for 11 september 2001.

    It's a mistery and there always be ..Inocent people die , this is the problem , hope that thier be less people dieing in all this even's .. icon_wink.gif
    Optimism is an occupational hazard of programming: feedback is the treament. (Kent Beck)
  • Lee HLee H Member Posts: 1,135
    Its more worrying what drives these people to do these things in the first place, something most of us would never dream of, i pity them more than hate them, they will never be respected as true humans
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