
Starting CWNA

xlg123xlg123 Member Posts: 34 ■■□□□□□□□□
After toying with CCNA and not being able to stay focused, I thought I’d give CWNA a try, something different and new to learn. I have the official CWNA book and some notes from sites, is there any specialized equipment I should have to help me. I have a Linksys Wireless router in production, didn’t know if I should get a second one for the lab.

I also saw on the site they are changing some of the terms after October31st, hopefully I’ll be done before than.

Thanks in advance!!


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    JDMurrayJDMurray Admin Posts: 13,058 Admin
    There are several postings in this forum which discuss the type of hardware and software you should be familiar with using before taking the CWNA exam. Also, the new terms on the CWNA and CWSP exams have been published, so you should need to worry if you end up taking the CWNA exam after October 31st.
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    xlg123xlg123 Member Posts: 34 ■■□□□□□□□□
    Perhaps I wasn't clear, or its late and I've been at work to long. I know that hardware and software I need to be familiar with, my question was would you recomend BUYING anything additional to practice on. Like for CCNA I picked up the router/switch kit from Cisco-kits.com. I have a fairly large (8 story building) network in production (can't take credit for it though...) but don't want to practice on that. Well, I do, but I think people might get upset.... Although getting in and going over the settings etc. has helped. So, as a CWNP, do you recomend any additional hardware for the lab, or just use what I have, plus study the production enviroment.

    I have the new terms from the website they will be testing on, looks like they are changing to more formal terms than the standard 802.11, etc.
    Thanks Again.
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    JDMurrayJDMurray Admin Posts: 13,058 Admin
    For the CWNA you need to be familiar with as many types of wireless client and access point software and firmware packages as possible. The goal is learning how to configure such devices and troubleshoot connectivity problems. There are many different firmware distributions for the Linksys WRT54GS, and all of the major PC Card wireless client adapters have fairly full-featured software.
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    janmikejanmike Member Posts: 3,076
    I'm not on the CWNA track, but I would encougage you, along with jdmurray, to get as much hardware technology and client software experience as possible. The expense will probably be small in the benefits that you reap from becoming a well-informed wireless tech/admin.

    Our enterprise system has a gradually-getting-bigger wireless network and I think there have been about three different systems tried before the present mostly-sufficient one was recently developed. It takes well informed considerations to get this right the first time--and we all want to do that.

    Well, if I say more I'll be rambling, so good luck!
    "It doesn't matter, it's in the past!"--Rafiki
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    xlg123xlg123 Member Posts: 34 ■■□□□□□□□□
    Thank you both!! Moving forward now. This seems a little easier to grasp than CCNA for some reason, maybe I got Cisco burned out. If I'm lucky I can test before Oct 30, otherwise it's an early Christmas present.
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    JDMurrayJDMurray Admin Posts: 13,058 Admin
    The CWNA is a narrower focus than the CCNA. If you already have all of the basics of physical and logical networking from the CCNA material, all you need is the wireless knowledge from the 802.11 standards and their implementation in hardware and software. No simulations to perform and no vendor-specific knowledge required.
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