New Job...

Ricka182Ricka182 Member Posts: 3,359
So a couple of weeks ago I got laid off/terminated, whatever you want to call it. They say it's a numbers thing, I say it was because I didn't work enough OT like the other guys on the team. Either way, they stopped paying me. I thought I would be screwed for a while, due to lack of direct experience. I was doing POS support, but wanted to do HD/Administration. Unfortunatly, everyone wanted 5+ years of experience, but no one wanted to give any experience. I thought I would be relegated to working short term contracts for a while, but alas, I got lucky! I did receive multiple offers from all the local recruiters, but they take a while to go through "all the other candidates", and the paperwork is neverending. I guess I'm lucky, because I got a call yesterday, another call this morning, and I start tomorrow 0800 sharp! And this is a permenent postion as opposed to contract. Not to mention, I get paid a whole lot more, and it's work I'd rather be doing versus POS crap. Hopefully, I can advance within this new company after a while. Okay, so I just happily vented a bit.....whew! Yes, I am a happy new tech! woo-hoo! I need a beer, another beer, and maybe another...... icon_cool.gif:D
i remain, he who remains to be....


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