
i/o addresses

djdominosdjdominos Member Posts: 1 ■□□□□□□□□□
hey guys,
first off let me say great site, its been really helpful. I was just wondering what i/o addresses i should know for the hardware exam? and does anybody have any techniques to memorizing them?


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    RidiculousOneRidiculousOne Member Posts: 12 ■□□□□□□□□□
    The ones I know are:

    Floppy Drive
    Two hard drive controllers

    I memorized COM1-4 and LPT1&LPT2 by using a set of rules.
    A good way to memorize the COM and LPT I/Os is to list the COM ports in order as such


    Then list an alternating pattern of 323232 down for the first digit on each of them as such

    COM1 3
    COM2 2
    COM3 3
    COM4 2
    LPT1 3
    LPT2 2

    Then list an alternating pattern of FFEE down for the second digit on the COMs as such

    COM1 3F
    COM2 2F
    COM3 3E
    COM4 2E
    LPT1 3
    LPT2 2

    Then put an '8' at the end of the COMs and a '78' at the end of the LPTs as such.

    COM1 3F8
    COM2 2F8
    COM3 3E8
    COM4 2E8
    LPT1 378
    LPT2 278

    When all of them are complete, do remember to put a lowercase 'h' at the end of them to indicate that they are a hexadecimal address.

    COM1 3F8h
    COM2 2F8h
    COM3 3E8h
    COM4 2E8h
    LPT1 378h
    LPT2 278h

    Additional I/Os:
    Keyboard is 60h
    Floppy Controller is 3F0h
    1st HDD Controller is 1F0h
    2nd HDD Controller is 170h

    I did assembly programming for ATAPI Device Identification and such..so thats how I knew the hard drive controllers...and I've messed with sending printer commands through I/O 378 so thats how I know the Printer...and I've debugged a program that sent status signals (kinda like the post routine) to the keyboard...so thats how I knew the keyboard.

    However, enough with my ranting. I hope the part on the COM's helps you. The others I have not simple trick for...its just memorizing
    I once had many brothers and sisters...until my parents bought a sandbox.
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    jlambertjlambert Member Posts: 89 ■■□□□□□□□□
    excellent info. I will have to remember that for when I start studying for A+
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