
RFCs are your friend

sir_creamy_sir_creamy_ Inactive Imported Users Posts: 298
Alright, so I'm knee deep in the co-op interview process now. I've had about 7 interviews thus far with 10 more next week. On my resume I've listed "Reading RFCs" as one of my hobbies/interests. Now, let me tell you, nothing tickles employers the right way more than that. Every interview I've had they always ask about my "boring" or "unusual" hobby, but it really lets your interviewer know that you take this networking stuff seriously. They eat it up with a spoon!

Just thought I'd mention that in case any of you guys want to give it a try next time you're applying for jobs.

Oh, and if they ask you what your faviroute RFC is, just say "Electricity over IP".....you'll be as creamy smooth as a vanilla shake. I promise.
Bachelor of Computer Science

[Forum moderators are my friends]


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