VMware setup

electorelector Member Posts: 10 ■□□□□□□□□□
Hi everyone

I'm starting to learn for 70-291 and I'm on the first 5 nuggets of CBT Nuggets.
Now, I see that the best way to learn is to do the tasks that the man is explaining right away.
Since I don't have more than one computer I have installed VMware. And I have one 2003 and on it a VMware with one 2003. It looks to me that I will need more than one OS in VMware to do the tasks?

So my queastion is: What is the best way to set up host OS and VM OS? Which sould be the server? The guest one or the host? Do I need any other OS in VM such as XP?
Basicly, if anyone had a lab at home with VMware set up, please tell me what is the best way for setting it up.
And what connection of VMware did you use? Bridged? Do you use VMware DNS or 2003?

Thank you


  • jkstechjkstech Member Posts: 330
    I set mines up based on what lesson I was going through, but here is the basics.

    I usually set up a 2003 server vm machine, and an XP vm machine, most of the time I would setup a second server as well, all of these would run on a virtual lan segment or in "host-only" networking that way my test lab was secluded from my actual machine and network, of course for certain lessons I would get more in depth, like when practicing vpn/remote access I would set up the networking in such a way as to mimic many different lan segments.

    Depending on what you are practicing, a server and a client is good enough, I always have at least two servers and a client. I've heard of some people who try to make their host machine a client of their virtual server, for me it is easer to set up a seperate virtual network with it's own clien/server configuration.

    I hope I made sense, if not feel free to ask more questions.
    get back to studying!!!
  • electorelector Member Posts: 10 ■□□□□□□□□□
    It makes sence. Thank you.
    I have a problem with memory. I will need to buy some more. I see that through the lessons I will need more than a client/server and that will require more memory.

    One question though: What do you mean by VIRTUAL LAN in VMware config.?
  • jkstechjkstech Member Posts: 330
    sure thing, I have 2gb of memory and that is working fine, also, remember you don't need huge amounts of ram for each virtual machine because you're not really in a production environment, so your workload shouldn't be as heavy, when using more than two mahines, I use the minimum amount of ram on each

    now about virtual lan

    in vmware, you can create lan segments in which you determine the speed/packet loss etc., you can then connect your machines together on this "lan"

    i usually create a team, so that all my machines will start together, and connect them to a lan, when setting up vpn/remote access i'll just place two nic cards in a vm machine, and connect one to the private lan, and another to the "public wan" which I create by using another lan segment or host only networking

    once you are ready to get started i'd be glad to help out in any way I can
    get back to studying!!!
  • electorelector Member Posts: 10 ■□□□□□□□□□
    thank you jkstech. I must say that I still don't get the virtual lan thing.
    I have VMware up with two 2003 ent. and they are connected to the host with host only I think...
    Look, I'm new to VMware and all this Virtual machine stuff... So if you have the time and patience to write full desctription on set up that would be great. If not, you have been a great help anyway.
  • jkstechjkstech Member Posts: 330
    no problem, host only is fine, as well and will get you a good setup, in setting up a lan, you'd be isolated from your host machine

    i believe the only way to set up lan segments is to create a team of vm machines, if you go to file>new>team and create a new team and add your vm's to that team, then, in the team settings you can create lan segments and specify if you want you machines connected to the host only network (which uses vmware's internal dhcp server) or on the lan segment, which will allow you to run your own dhcp server to assign IP's and such.
    get back to studying!!!
  • electorelector Member Posts: 10 ■□□□□□□□□□
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