Taking Exam:PASSED 936

vitaliysnetvitaliysnet Inactive Imported Users Posts: 8 ■□□□□□□□□□
I am taking the exam next Wednesday, and I really need some useful tips and help, one of my biggest concern is this, do I have to know how to configure a switch for VLAN and basic operations, and VTP, ISL on a router, frame-relay maps, isdn dialer lists, ospf, eigrp. Are the sims very hard, had anyone ever got to configure a frame relay map, or ISL on router port? Please can any one give me tips, because I am really unconfident, I was taking CCNA classes for two years, and was studying for this exam for about two months, so I dont really want to flunk this exam!!!(I was studying from Todd Lemmeles practice tests, and router simulators, hope those will be enough?!?!)

Thanks to my Lord, and this forum, for the encouragement and support and to other matireals, I finally passed my CCNA exam. My score was 936 at my first try. I didnt have no social life for two weeks, studying for CCNA, plus I've taken CCNA classes at my High School, for two years, we had a whole lab set up, so the simulated questions was the easiest thing ever. Basically what I first did is read the whole book by Wendell Odom, and then do the Todd Lameles practice test. All together I studied from Odom book, Todd Lammeles practice questions, celticrover.com, and some more websites that had practice tests. I was surprised that I've seen some questions that are almost alike from celticrover.com website, and Todd Lammeles tests. Braindumps were very useful, if you know how to use them, because the more and more questions I did, everything started to make sense to me, so I wasn't just memorizing stuff, I was understanding all the topics. Also for those people who are planning to take the exam, you wont see something unfamiliar on the exam, just kind of tricky, but tricky only applies to those who memorize stuff not understand it.

had questoins on subnetting(subnetting is a gift question), STP, VLAN, VTP, Frame-Relay show commands, two sims, troubleshoot three routers, apply ips and enable interfaces.


  • seth223ukseth223uk Member Posts: 158
    all the above you mentioned is fair game on the exam. If its in the syllabus ur to be sure itll be on the exam. If youre not confident post pone until you have a chance to go over your areas of weakness.

    gud luck and study hard. CCNA is tough but for this reason it retains its value. icon_lol.gif
    Cheating - the act of swindling by some fraudulent scheme ' that book is a fraud '
  • PHANT0MPHANT0M Member Posts: 20 ■□□□□□□□□□
    The CCNA simulations are 98% about RIP, IGRP, interfaces, IPs,etc.
    But you have to know the rest... I passed on Thursday 18 and thanks to my God with 885.

    theoric questions:
    1. DDR (1)
    2. PPP (4)
    3. STP (3)
    4. Split-Horizon (1)
    5. Store-an-forward (4) ----> watch it!
    6. Frame Relay (4)
    > watch it!
    7. OSI (icon_cool.gif ---> Transport (5), Network (1), Datalink (1), Session (1)
    8. One Simulation: RIP ((to put networks) , no shutdown interfaces)), ping to every ip and its done!!
    9. One simulation: About subbneting... next, to use this ips and ping every ip.

    I dont Remember more, but good luck, read slowly and do be afraid... this test dont bit :) ... I hope u pass

    OMEV icon_twisted.gif
    "Mess with the best, Die like the rest"
  • vitaliysnetvitaliysnet Inactive Imported Users Posts: 8 ■□□□□□□□□□
    Thanks, omespinosa, now I feel more confident, by the way did you had to type this command at the end of your simulator:
    copy running-config startup-config ? Or did they asked you to do it? And where they regular questions confusing, or straight forward?
  • seth223ukseth223uk Member Posts: 158
    ull be in trouble for disclosing actual exam questions here man. Braindumps are dealt with swiftly from what ive seen icon_eek.gif
    Cheating - the act of swindling by some fraudulent scheme ' that book is a fraud '
  • PHANT0MPHANT0M Member Posts: 20 ■□□□□□□□□□
    No man, copy running-config startup-copnfig isnt neccessary, but if u want to be sure, type it.

    Yes, where they regular questions confusing about: TCP/IP stack problems (Solution : ping, a scheme about switch framing (store-and-forward)

    but dont worry, u nedd to know the concept, but really clear, to be sure, no dude.

    bye bye, and goo luck

    Thanks, omespinosa, now I feel more confident, by the way did you had to type this command at the end of your simulator:
    copy running-config startup-config ? Or did they asked you to do it? And where they regular questions confusing, or straight forward?
    "Mess with the best, Die like the rest"
  • PHANT0MPHANT0M Member Posts: 20 ■□□□□□□□□□
    "Mess with the best, Die like the rest"
  • techman-aka-Formattechman-aka-Format Inactive Imported Users Posts: 59 ■■□□□□□□□□
    hey Vitaliysnet, Here's a useful tip, when you go in to take the exam, the testing center will give you a whiteboard, or a piece of scratch paper, to write notes on. Of course you can't bring any notes in with you, but you can write down anything you can rememebr off the top of you're head. So before the exam starts, you have as much time as you want. So make a little **** sheet. write down some of the subnet chart, or write down commands, configurations, protocols, or anything you know you might need to remember. So when you start the exam, and those questions come up you have a sheet you can look at, and it saves you time. It will definatley help for the WAN and subnetting questions. And don't worry if you fail, it's o.k. It took me five tries to pass. as long as you are improving you're score each time you take it. and then you take it again. Hope this helps! Good luck!
    information belongs to the public! hack the planet!
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