Exam Essental Practice exams

TatsTats Member Posts: 11 ■□□□□□□□□□
Hi, Has anyone used Cyberpass Exam essentials A+ practice exams. Are they recognized as being of similar difficulty as the recognized questions?
I have only just started using practice exams from my New Horizon CD and find that i need a larger pool of questions.


  • Stone ColdStone Cold Member Posts: 27 ■□□□□□□□□□
    I have used Exam Essentials for some certs in the past and will continue to do so!!

    I have found the content to be VERY good and the volume of questions sufficient

    Of course NEVER put all your eggs in one basket and use as many resources as you have access to.
    and thats the bottom line cos Stone Cold said so!
  • TianaTiana Inactive Imported Users Posts: 22 ■□□□□□□□□□
    I used it too and their one of my resources. As they said don't just rely on one thing :):) I didn't buy any cramsheet, I only used those free demo they offer and it works on me :):) Exam drill is nice too :)

    Good luck anyway
  • TatsTats Member Posts: 11 ■□□□□□□□□□
    Thanks guys, it's given me some faith to use them. I agree that you should'nt only use one set of questions/resouce material. Up to now i have been using my 400 odd page course material from New Horizon which is VERY comprehensive if a bit daunting with all the info contained.

    I sit my exam tomorrow so will go hard out with the practice exams til then.
  • TianaTiana Inactive Imported Users Posts: 22 ■□□□□□□□□□
    Good luck tats :) and let us know how you will do :)icon_wink.gif
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