Pay for own criminal background check?!

brianglbriangl Member Posts: 184 ■■■□□□□□□□
What the (expletive deleted)?

Job ad in paper for a state run school. At the bottom it says, "The selected applicant will be required to apply for a criminal background check, at their own expense."

I've never heard of that before, has anyone else?


  • TrailerisfTrailerisf Member Posts: 455
    Yeah... they obviously want you to come with it when applying for the job.

    If they are cheaping out on short-list candidates, imagine what your benefit package is gonna look like...
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  • SlowhandSlowhand Mod Posts: 5,161 Mod
    Definately sounds fishy to me. If I were you, I'd run the company by the Better Business Bureau to see if they're on the up-and-up.

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  • brianglbriangl Member Posts: 184 ■■■□□□□□□□
    It's not a company, it's a school, run by the state. I'm not going to apply, I'm sure I'm not qualified. If I were qualified, I don't think I would apply anyway, because of that.

    It's the Maryland School for the Deaf, in case anyone want's to know.
  • goforthbmerrygoforthbmerry Member Posts: 244
    Normally,I would be extremely skeptical of this. I would have bet it was a scam. However, the Maryland School for the Deaf is legitimate. It is still a strange policy. I am sure the have no budget. Working there would certainly be a challenge.
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  • RavenSpawnRavenSpawn Member Posts: 28 ■□□□□□□□□□
    Pretty much every employer does a background check. While most of them request and pay for it themselves, some will have the selected applicant pay but would reimburse afterwards. One of the place I had an interview for mentioned that I would have to request the background check and I would be reimbursed after. In your case, if its a job that you would like, apply for it and ask if you'd be reimbursed if selected.
  • brianglbriangl Member Posts: 184 ■■■□□□□□□□
  • JDMurrayJDMurray Admin Posts: 13,105 Admin
    State run schools here in the USA are notoriously underfunded, and it may be a way of saving some money. However, I wonder how many applicants will actually make it to the interview round where it's time to actually do a background check. It may also be a way to deter people from applying who aren't very serious about taking the job itself.
  • famosbrownfamosbrown Member Posts: 637
    If I didn't recently get a Systems Administrator job, I would apply for that. I am looking to move back to the Maryland/D.C./Virginia area. Thanks for the link :D .

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  • bcairnsbcairns Member Posts: 280
    I say you go interview....just be sure to charge them a consulting fee for your time in the interview.
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