Just sat 71-630 & 631

71-630 - 65 questions and 225 mins - Office Sharepoint Server 2007
71-631 - 64 questions and 225 mins - Windows Sharepoint Services 3.0
71-630 guessed my way through every question

71-631 Not so bad. Had a few questions relating to dns, NLB front end WSS 3.0, IIS troubleshooting and B&R.
Not expecting to pass them but was worth sitting the exams I feel. Installed Office Sharepoint portal 2003 and Sharepoint 3.0 on some servers at work and had a play around.
Back to Exchange for me as I enjoyed studying for 284 so have decided to go for 285 for the mcse messaging specialization.
71-631 - 64 questions and 225 mins - Windows Sharepoint Services 3.0
71-630 guessed my way through every question

71-631 Not so bad. Had a few questions relating to dns, NLB front end WSS 3.0, IIS troubleshooting and B&R.
Not expecting to pass them but was worth sitting the exams I feel. Installed Office Sharepoint portal 2003 and Sharepoint 3.0 on some servers at work and had a play around.
Back to Exchange for me as I enjoyed studying for 284 so have decided to go for 285 for the mcse messaging specialization.
Up Next : Not sure 

geekie Member Posts: 391
Well I FINALLY got my score report back for exam 71-631 TS: Configuring Windows Sharepoint Services 3.0 and as I expected I failed with a score of 466.
Considering I had about 5 days to prepare and knew very little about the product I thought 466 was quite a good score and makes me think I might look in to doing some more studying and taking the exam again in the not so distant future.
I got full marks for one topic 'Deploy Windows Sharepoint Services' which is about all I had time to do in my practice lab
Still waiting on results for 71-620 and 71-630 so will post an update on those as soon as I know.
Back to Exchange 2k7 for me as I sit 71-236 on ThursdayUp Next : Not sure -
sthomas Member Posts: 1,240 ■■■□□□□□□□
Back to Exchange 2k7 for me as I sit 71-236 on Thursday
Good luck with 71-236!Working on: MCSA 2012 R2