Do you have to renew MCP certs?
Ricka182 Member Posts: 3,359Nope....all M$ certs are for life, with the exception of MCT. This may have changed for the next generation certs like MCTS, but once an MCDST, always an MCDST.....i remain, he who remains to be....
NinjaBoy Member Posts: 968Hi,
With the old MS qualification (for example the MCDST, MCSA, MCSE, etc) no these ones do not need to be renewed - however the status is keyed to the technology for it (for example you may be a MCSE for 2000, but only for 2000 - not for NT 4 or 2003, but you can still use the MCSE status regardless). It is recommend that you update your certs for the latest ones, to keep up to date with the new technology.
However the next gen ones (the MCTS, MCITP, etc) need to be renewed. The MCTS status is will be retired when mainstream product support for the particular technology expires, the MCITP status will require recertification to maintain active status.
See MS website of rmore info:
Hope this helps