MCP ID card question

gomcse2002gomcse2002 Member Posts: 126 ■■■□□□□□□□
Hi guys

I have passed my 070-235 in Dec 2006 and received my memberkit for MCTS (by passing 70-235). When I opened the package I found out the new MCP ID card only showing my new IT title: MCTS but on my old MCP ID card I have all my It titles such as MCP, MCP +i, MCSE, MCSA etc.

My quick question is : Is this normal ? Is Microsoft giving out MCTS MCP ID card with only MCTS title ? Am I supposed to get a card with all the formerly earned IT titles ?

Please kindly advise ASAP.
eBay Addict and IT Geek from Canada

Working on : 70-686 (Windows 7 Exam)


  • redredredred Member Posts: 19 ■□□□□□□□□□
    Yea, can anyone confirm this? Is it really true that it only shows MCTS and not with your previous credentials?
  • JDMurrayJDMurray Admin Posts: 13,101 Admin
    Is your MCPID number the same on both cards? If not, you are down twice in the MCP database under two different numbers and you'll need to contact Microsoft ( to get it corrected. If your MCPID is the same on both cards, email Microsoft anyway, ask what's up, and let us know what MS says.
  • bighornsheepbighornsheep Member Posts: 1,506
    That's normal, the new MCTS/MCITP ID cards will only show creditials in the new generation of Microsoft Certs.
    Q. Will the wallet cards have all my certifications on them?
    A. The new generation wallet cards do not have previously earned certifications on them in order to demonstrate that Microsoft is committed to supporting and aligning with a new family of certifications that are more streamlined and job–role specific.

    The FAQ about the new welcome kit is in the MCP area, so you can login to see details.

    Jack of all trades, master of none
  • JDMurrayJDMurray Admin Posts: 13,101 Admin
    I'm not sure how by not including your complete certification history on your MCP card Microsoft is demonstrating that it is committed to supporting and aligning with a new family of certifications that are more streamlined and job–role specific. It sounds more like "out with the old and in with the new" marketing to me. In any case, that's the final answer from MS.
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