CISA certification
What do you know about this cert? Anyone have it? how much you earn?
drakhan2002 Member Posts: 111
I'm studying for the Decemeber 2007 exam. It is "on par" as far as difficulty as the CISSP and requires nearly the same amount of study discipline. There is a career experience is also a requirement for this certification - I believe it is 5 years.
I work for a Fortune 500 bank - we have several CISA's on the staff, both in our Information Security department as well as our IT Risk department. The average salary for our CISA's is $80,000 to $100,000 per year. However, the CISA is not the only certification most of these people have...many have the CISSP, CISM and advanced degrees.
You can always find out more information at ISACA's web site:
Also...there was this post in the "Security Certifications" forum about the CISA/CISM:'s not the moments of pleasure, it's the hours of pursuit... -
wmackey Member Posts: 17 ■□□□□□□□□□
I have the CISA Cert. Just got it from the Dec 06 Exam. As the previous poster indicated, it is on par with the CISSP (and has identical CPE requirements). Also, for most people it is unlikely to be their first cert. -
seccie Member Posts: 53 ■■□□□□□□□□
for me it was the first cert. If you're an auditor it might have sense to start with it. It covers a lot of topics, but it scratches only the surface.