Pass 872

DaveGiantDaveGiant Member Posts: 2 ■□□□□□□□□□
Hopefully this will help people preparing to take the cisco CCNA. I have read the rules and am pretty sure i haven't broken any in what is below.

I used this book for the knowledge i needed

CCNA Cisco Certified Network Associate Study Guide (Exam 640-801) (Certification Press) (Paperback)

I used the book cd and trancender for test questions

Finally i downloaded the demo of boson netsim, you can't do much on the demo but you can view the whole labs pdf. This is very helpful for router and switch configuration.

The vast majority of my questions fell into topics i was confident with. If had realised that i coudn

The drag and drops are probably the easiest thing on the exam and if you give them a bit of thought they shouldn't present any trouble.

The only thing i know i completely failed on was a 5 in 1 question. Firstly this is all covered in a tutorial at the start of the exam but i wasn't aware these existed till i sat down. I think it is called a mini sim. Basically you have a router interface and a diagram of the topology. You then need to pull out relevant information by using the console. I think i dropped a load of marks on this. I strongly suggest you aqaint yourself with all aspects of router and switch configuration and not just the processes to set up access-lists, routing, vlans etc.

Other info...

You cannot go back or review your answers at the end so be VERY confident of your answer before you press the next button. I only realised this about a 1/3 of the way through hehe

I read on my certificate that you cannot retake the same exam for 180 days... be sure you are very confident about passing before you book it :D

It took me about 3 weeks to read my book and make notes, 2 more weeks were spent mastering exam questions and 1 day was spent on familiarising myself with familiarizing myself with router and switch configurations.

I have no intention of carrying on down the cisco route, this was just part of a course I am taking. The above time should get you close to a pass, at the end of the day 50% of succeeding is in question practice. This will expose you to the way questions are presented AND your weaknesses. Each time you get a question wrong just read the relevant area of the book 1 more time.

If you want a strong pass i would recommend getting some network simulation software. I found my flaws were in the troubleshooting and this was caused by limited exposure to a networking environment.

As for my areas...
Planning and Design 100%
Implementation and Operation 91%
Troubleshooting 61% <--- This is why i am not going into networking :)
Technology 84%


  • GeorgeMcFly22GeorgeMcFly22 Member Posts: 109
    Well done!

    The 180 days rule is for those who passed the exam, if you fail you don't have to wait that 180 days.

    Congrats on the pass !!
  • georgemcgeorgemc Member Posts: 429
    Congrats! :D

    ...and thanks for the review.
    WGU BS: Business - Information Technology Management
    Start Date: 01 October 2012
    QFT1,PFIT in progress.
  • DirtySouthDirtySouth Member Posts: 314 ■□□□□□□□□□
  • mikej412mikej412 Member Posts: 10,086 ■■■■■■■■■■
    Congratulations! icon_thumright.gif
    :mike: Cisco Certifications -- Collect the Entire Set!
  • seraphusseraphus Member Posts: 307
    Congrats! icon_cheers.gif
    Lab first, ask questions later
  • royalroyal Member Posts: 3,352 ■■■■□□□□□□
    “For success, attitude is equally as important as ability.” - Harry F. Banks
  • Sulblk27Sulblk27 Member Posts: 148
    Congrats...nice review....
    I'm using that same book as one of my four books, with Boson simulator (full version).
    Someone asked me when will my studying be over......
  • NelieNelie Member Posts: 2 ■□□□□□□□□□
    Congratulations on passing :)
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