MCSE/ MCSE:Security question

Ok, folks I need some help understanding a few things and I am hoping the gurus here can enlighten me.

As far as MCSE for 2003 goes:

Right now I have passed thesed tests:
270, 290, 291, and Sec +

So as I understand it, if I pass
293, 294, 297 and 298
I will be entiteld to call myself MCSE certified.

But if I take
293, 294, 298 and 299
I will be entiteld to call myself MCSE:Security certified.

And IF I am right so far,

and I take 293, 294, 297, 298 and 299

What will I then entitled to call myself ( and you can make jokes if you want, but I really am curious)? Both, or just the one with the "security?" The MS site doesn't really mention any of this (that I could find).

Thanks in advance,

Mr. Ye
"What we think, or what we know, or what we believe is, in the end, of little consequence. The only consequence is what we do." John Ruskin.


  • SlowhandSlowhand Mod Posts: 5,161 Mod
    You're right, except for one thing. You don't need to take 70-297 if you're taking 70-298 as your design exam. If you're using Security+ as your elective for the plain MCSE, then doing 70-299 as your security speciality, you don't need 70-297 at all. It's a good test to take, but it's not needed for MCSE: Security if you've taken the four core exams, the desktop exam, using Security+ along with 70-299 as your electives, and doing 70-298 as your design exam.

    As for what you call yourself, I'd say go with MCSE: Security, by itself. The specializations, (Security and Messaging) are extentions to the core MCSE, to you've got both MCSE and MCSE: Security included with the MCSE: Security title. If you had both Messaging and Security, then I'd say list it twice: once for MCSE: Security and once for MCSE: Messaging.

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