Transcender and books alone enough?

I've gotten my mcse nt 4.0 and my ccna from self-study so I'm fairly good at the self-study thing. Also, i'm like a jr. network admin so i've got some networking experience and access to just about any equipment I need. Would the transcenders and books alone without having to buy an expensive CBT be enough to go for the mcse? i'm willing to shell out for transcenders if they're really gonna be that good, but don't want to have to also buy a CBT that's gonna cost almost a thousand bucks.
Mishra Member Posts: 2,468 ■■■■□□□□□□
There are plenty of other free 10-20 question practice tests out there. If you search in this forum you can find plenty of free practice tests sites. I would definitely try to cover those tests while studying for your certifications. I mean they are free, why not? -
sleemie Member Posts: 109
you mean along with transcender, or instead of? do you think that the books along with the free practice tests and maybe transcender would be enough?