Nokia IP51 firmware image

I bought a Nokia IP51 device on ebay in order to learn about checkpoint but unfortunately the firmware image is corrupt. I've contacted Nokia and to my amazement they have deleted it! (it must have been using up too much hard disk space). So now my only hope is that some out there has a copy they can send me. Otherwise I'm left with an over size paper weight.
If you have a copy any advice on the matter it would be most appreciated.
Joe Evans
I bought a Nokia IP51 device on ebay in order to learn about checkpoint but unfortunately the firmware image is corrupt. I've contacted Nokia and to my amazement they have deleted it! (it must have been using up too much hard disk space). So now my only hope is that some out there has a copy they can send me. Otherwise I'm left with an over size paper weight.
If you have a copy any advice on the matter it would be most appreciated.
Joe Evans