
Readiness Review - MS Press

VantageUKVantageUK Member Posts: 111
Hi all

Is the Readiness Review on the MS Press CD a good indication of what I can expect on the exam (apart from sims)? It looks to be a similar format to the 70-210 test I took.

Also, the RR seems to mark multiple answer questions correct or incorrect, rather than giving a partial score for getting one or two of the answers correct, is this true for the real exam?

The Sybex practice exams are too easy icon_sad.gif




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    EverlifeEverlife Member Posts: 253 ■■■□□□□□□□
    Hi Vantage,

    The Readiness Review questions tend to be on-par or even a bit more difficult than the actual exam questions.

    As for the partial credit, I'm not sure. I know you get partial credit for sims, but I'm not sure about the "choose three" type questions.
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    SlowhandSlowhand Mod Posts: 5,161 Mod
    I can say, (without breaking the NDL, even) that you will not get partial credit for multiple-choice questions, even when they have more than one answer. The answers will be marked as right or wrong. So, if you're asked to pick the three best answers, the two best answers, all the best answers, out of however many choices, you need to get them all right in order to have the question marked as correct.

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    Non-Profit TechieNon-Profit Techie Member Posts: 418 ■■□□□□□□□□
    This is all good to know. I am planning on testing soon as well. Thanks for the topic and answers guys.
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    dynamikdynamik Banned Posts: 12,312 ■■■■■■■■■□
    If you can afford to spend a little extra money, go with the Transcender practice exams. I've found them to be consistently more difficult the actual exams, and they give good explanations why your answer was/wasn't correct. If you really want to test yourself, try going through the flashcards. That'll make sure you know your stuff.
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