By the skin of my teeth
After 4 1/2 months and 3 1/2 study manuals, I took Server+ exam today and passed. I was pretty confident going in. I did Transcenders and passed all exams first try--average of 80%. I reviewed a few days and did high 90's percent wise on Transcenders.
That had to be the toughest exam I've ever taken. It takes 75% to pass and I scored 75%...Phew!
Hey! A pass is a pass......right?
My favorite manual is Server+ Certification Training Guide by Jernigan. It's from New Riders publications. Second in line is Exam Prep series from Coriolis, Server+. I started like I start all my studies with a Dummies book--Server+ Certification for Dummies. I also had All-in-One Server+ certification Exam Guide by, Bigelow. Bigelow will always stay in my library because he is so thorough and detailed, but I had to stop about half-way through because it got so boring, but his chapters on SCSI and RAID are top notch--not to be ignored. I skimmed a bit in the M$ Press book on Server+, but didn't care for it.
Transcenders gives you a good taste of the actual form of the exam, but AIO, Coriolis, and New Riders all have good example exams on the CD's too. Dummies has an exam on CD, but I never could pass it...don't know where it came from.
Anyway that's some info for a very sparse forum. If you're going to do servers then at least check one of the study guides. I don't think any other exam covers the troubleshooting and advanced hardware like this one(Of course, I haven't taken them all either).
I'm going for 70-210 next.
That had to be the toughest exam I've ever taken. It takes 75% to pass and I scored 75%...Phew!
Hey! A pass is a pass......right?
My favorite manual is Server+ Certification Training Guide by Jernigan. It's from New Riders publications. Second in line is Exam Prep series from Coriolis, Server+. I started like I start all my studies with a Dummies book--Server+ Certification for Dummies. I also had All-in-One Server+ certification Exam Guide by, Bigelow. Bigelow will always stay in my library because he is so thorough and detailed, but I had to stop about half-way through because it got so boring, but his chapters on SCSI and RAID are top notch--not to be ignored. I skimmed a bit in the M$ Press book on Server+, but didn't care for it.
Transcenders gives you a good taste of the actual form of the exam, but AIO, Coriolis, and New Riders all have good example exams on the CD's too. Dummies has an exam on CD, but I never could pass it...don't know where it came from.
Anyway that's some info for a very sparse forum. If you're going to do servers then at least check one of the study guides. I don't think any other exam covers the troubleshooting and advanced hardware like this one(Of course, I haven't taken them all either).
I'm going for 70-210 next.
"It doesn't matter, it's in the past!"--Rafiki
Ghent Member Posts: 310
Congratz.Prais'd be the fathomless universe, for life and joy, and for objects and knowledge curious.' Whalt Whitman