which book (s) did you use to study for the 290 and/or 291?

rkholmesrkholmes Member Posts: 42 ■■□□□□□□□□
Hello there,

I just passed 70-270, and have the Sec+ to satisfy the elective. So all thats left for my MCSA is the two server exams. My question is pretty simple. If you bought dead trees (real books), which did you buy?

I ask because personally I think the 70-270 from Sybex was not worth two cents. I'm wondering if MS Press are the best to buy for MS exams considering the source. I used MS Press Sec+ book and was VERY happy with the quality of the material, it wasn't dry, yet wasn't dorky casual like some Mike Meyers books I've read.

Thanks for your input



  • sprkymrksprkymrk Member Posts: 4,884 ■■■□□□□□□□
    I think for those 2 exams the MS Press is the way most people go.
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  • royalroyal Member Posts: 3,352 ■■■■□□□□□□
    I agree with Mark. I used MSPress for both 70-290 as well as 70-291. I found the books to be well written, especially 70-291. I also used Syngress for 70-291. On the 70-290 book, for some odd reason they put the Terminal Services chapter behind the index, which is peculiar. I saw one of my coworkers with the newly released 2nd edition of MSPress 70-290 and found that they placed the Terminal Services chapter in the middle of the book, which I believe is a more appropriate place for it. So make sure you pick up the 2nd edition of MSPress 70-290. Good luck on your exams and let us know how it goes. Feel free to ask any questions in the relevant forum for the exam you are working on.
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  • famosbrownfamosbrown Member Posts: 637
    I used the MOC books for those...Microsoft Offical Course.
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  • JdotQJdotQ Member Posts: 230
    I used the MS Press for 70-290 and am currently using the MS Press (2nd Ed.) for 70-291, so far I've been happy with them
  • SlowhandSlowhand Mod Posts: 5,161 Mod
    Yup, I went with Microsoft Press, as well. We did the Microsoft Offical Curriculum, (which are just like the regular MS Press books, just paperback and a different physical shape,) since I took some admin classes at my college, around the time I was studying. Along with the MOC books, I also purchased the lab-manuals, which were pretty helpful in setting up some practice scenarios at home.

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