computer won't boot?

Darthn3ssDarthn3ss Member Posts: 1,096
Okay now that i've got my new computer running, it seems my old one doesn't want to do anyhing period. for the longest time, its always given us a little trouble - sometimes if you reboot, it wouldn't come back up - nothing would come up on the screen. no beeps, nothing.

Anyway like i said thats always happened and usually you could shut it down for a few minutes and it'd work fine if you turned it on after 20 minutes or so. Now, it just doesn't come on. I was able to get it to post and such earlier, but now its not, just the blank screen. added a case fan in the front and replaced the power supply. tried unplugging everything that didn't need to be there except the graphics card, nothing. any suggestions here? i'm stumped. i want to say the motherboard or cpu is bad - but when it comes up, it works fine.
Fantastic. The project manager is inspired.

In Progress: 70-640, 70-685


  • JDMurrayJDMurray Admin Posts: 13,106 Admin
    Is sounds like you had an ongoing power or heat problem that eventually fired something on the motherboard. Do you have another CPU that you can swap-in for a quick test?
  • Darthn3ssDarthn3ss Member Posts: 1,096
    nope. i guess you're right though. i came home from school, took the cmos battery out for a few seconds and put it back in, and i atleast got it to turn and display something, but it pretty much froze and did not come back on. i guess i'm going to see if my pentium 3/motherboard in my server will work in this case.

    edited: i swapped the hardware from the old [loud] 1u case to the old computer (one with the fried motherboard. that'll be my server for now. its much quiter. now i'm going to look for a power supply for a 1u case thats quiet, and then some new hardware for it. i've got atleast 1 good CPU.
    Fantastic. The project manager is inspired.

    In Progress: 70-640, 70-685
  • johnson_samjohnson_sam Member Posts: 9 ■□□□□□□□□□
    If you can afford you should buy a Diagnostic Card.... that should help (?).

    1. Also check to see that power to all the peripharls are provided... like HDD - 3.3 & 12V.
    check all the power (3.3, 5, 12 V) with a DMultimeter(DMM).
    2.If that doenst work unplug un-needed devices - cd-rom/dvd, usb HDD and other PCI hardware. boot with minimum config. and then see if it works out for ya.
    3.Replace the V.Card and see.
    John Kosh
  • Darthn3ssDarthn3ss Member Posts: 1,096
    If you can afford you should buy a Diagnostic Card.... that should help (?).

    1. Also check to see that power to all the peripharls are provided... like HDD - 3.3 & 12V.
    check all the power (3.3, 5, 12 V) with a DMultimeter(DMM).
    2.If that doenst work unplug un-needed devices - cd-rom/dvd, usb HDD and other PCI hardware. boot with minimum config. and then see if it works out for ya.
    3.Replace the V.Card and see.
    did msot of that except check the power. i'm voting over heating. i'll work it out later.
    Fantastic. The project manager is inspired.

    In Progress: 70-640, 70-685
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