advice of people dat been throu this!!

ilcram19ilcram19 Inactive Imported Users Posts: 206
wut usually happens to the IT deparmet of a companie that is been bought off by another company?
If you stop getting better, you cease being good


  • JDMurrayJDMurray Admin Posts: 13,106 Admin
    Well, the parent company's IT department usually assumes the responsibility of the infrastructure of both business organizations. This doesn't mean that every operations and IT person at the purchased company gets sacked, but merging the two IT departments will create redundancies that, if eliminated, will provide cost savings that will make the CFO smile. icon_eek.gif People with highly specialized knowledge, such as about the company's product lines, are usually retained.

    Of course, if the purchased company has the better, more capable IT department, things could work the other way around. :D
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