CISSP 29 July

justus1justus1 Member Posts: 85 ■■□□□□□□□□
I am taking the CISSP exam on the 29th of July and I was wondering if there anyone has any words of advice/encouragement for this last week? Thank you.


  • keatronkeatron Member Posts: 1,213 ■■■■■■□□□□
    justus1 wrote:
    I am taking the CISSP exam on the 29th of July and I was wondering if there anyone has any words of advice/encouragement for this last week? Thank you.

    Just keep studying man. Make sure you spend extra time on the subjects that still seem a little "fuzzy" to you. Other than that, make sure you get enough rest, and arrive at the testing center at least 1 hour before testing time. Hanging around and talking with other CISSP hopefuls does wonders to ease some of the anxiety.
  • justus1justus1 Member Posts: 85 ■■□□□□□□□□
    Thanks for the advice, I'm still plugging away, hopefully this test isn't the monster I have heard about icon_twisted.gif
  • JDMurrayJDMurray Admin Posts: 13,110 Admin
    July 29th is a Sunday, which is usually the day of rest and prayer, but you should get some good rest on the Saturday before instead. It's not necessarily productive to keep studying right up to exam time. Also, I've never had the opportunity to talk with other people taking the the same cert exam before it begins; that sounds like an interesting and useful experience. And don't forget to bring bottled water and some granola bars to munch on during the 6-hour exam. Check with the testing center's rules, but I've heard this is allowed.
  • justus1justus1 Member Posts: 85 ■■□□□□□□□□
    Thanks for the advice, I will definitly use everything I can get. thanks again.
  • keatronkeatron Member Posts: 1,213 ■■■■■■□□□□
    JDMurray wrote:
    July 29th is a Sunday, which is usually the day of rest and prayer, but you should get some good rest on the Saturday before instead. It's not necessarily productive to keep studying right up to exam time. Also, I've never had the opportunity to talk with other people taking the the same cert exam before it begins; that sounds like an interesting and useful experience. And don't forget to bring bottled water and some granola bars to munch on during the 6-hour exam. Check with the testing center's rules, but I've heard this is allowed.

    Yes it is allowed, and if you plan on drinking or eating anything, you need to bring it with you. I've proctored the CISSP many times and whether or not they provide coffee or other beverages is totally random. So don't count on it. You can even bring a sandwich if you want, just know that you won't have access to it until you're ready to eat it (which you'll have to do either in the back of the room or out in the hall with another proctor). Also try not to bring food that is contained in noisy wrappers. Trust me, some of the looks you'll get from people trying to remember whether Diffie Hellman uses symmetric or asymmetric key pairs is enough to kill.

    Most testing centers are actually conference rooms in a hotel.
  • justus1justus1 Member Posts: 85 ■■□□□□□□□□
    Took the test yesterday. I would have to say that it seemed a little easier that I expected. Hopefully it isn't a false sense of security. It took about 3 hours to complete the test including the 30 minutes of transferring the answers to the answer sheet. I will let you all know how the test went once the results are back and I will include my preparation as well.
  • JDMurrayJDMurray Admin Posts: 13,110 Admin
    *fingers crossed*

    I've heard that you'll be notified by email in 1-2 weeks, so keep a special eye on your junk email folder in case your good news from the (ISC)2 ends up there. I know two CISSP candidates who didn't know that they passed for several weeks because of their email client's spam filter. It's unfortunate that the (ISC)2 doesn't have a notification section of their Web site like CompTIA does.
  • justus1justus1 Member Posts: 85 ■■□□□□□□□□
    Thank you for the crossed fingers. Hopefully the wait will be over sooner rather than later. I have been watching the cccure site and it seems to take anywhere from one week to three weeks to get the results back. I felt fine with having to wait after the test, but now that time is going by I have been second guessing a lot of my responses. Thank you all for your words of guidance and support.
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