
"Interview" today?

/usr/usr Member Posts: 1,768
I'm not quite sure if it qualifies as an interview....

My stepdad works construction, as I think I mentioned previously. He had a meeting with one of the local electric companies. They mentioned their side company was looking for another IT guy and my name was brought up. They said they were interested, I called last night and talked to their IT guy. Talked for around 15 minutes or so, then he asked if I wanted to come in and meet him tomorrow. It seems really casual, so I'm not sure. He seemed really interested...

I'm really, really hoping this goes well.

I would be doing a lot. He said they're really trying to grow. I guess they do contracting work all over the place, so a little travel on my part would be involved. Doing equipment installs, cabling, VoIP, Access Controls, IP security camera systems, etc. It sounds really interested, plus it should pay more.

I'm supposed to stop by around 3:30-4:00 today. I'm really nervous, wish me luck...


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