DFS Issue

billybob01billybob01 Member Posts: 504
I`ll try and keep this simple. I have been given this project as our old SA has left and i am completely stuck. We have Server A that has DFS configured and all is working well. My manager wants DFS on another server for fault tolerance etc. Now on Server B i have noticed that DFS has been setup but apparently according to my manager is not linked to the other server. I looked on Server A and quite rightly can only see the one server. He has said that in order to have the two servers replicating DFS the DFS on Server B needs to be deleted? But it wont allow him to!! I need to know how i can setup DFS on Server B so that both Server A and B are hosting DFS so that if one goes down the other can take over. Any Ideas??


  • MishraMishra Member Posts: 2,468 ■■■■□□□□□□
  • billybob01billybob01 Member Posts: 504
    Good website but we dont use R2
  • Silver BulletSilver Bullet Member Posts: 676 ■■■□□□□□□□
    Here is a good write up from Technet on DFS Failover and how it works.

    Maybe you will see what your missing there.
  • billybob01billybob01 Member Posts: 504
    mmm read through that but still cant find anything relating to How to run DFS using 2 servers, so that if one fails the over one takes over!!!
  • Silver BulletSilver Bullet Member Posts: 676 ■■■□□□□□□□
    I just labbed this out and found that the options aren't very intuitive and can see why anyone would run into trouble.

    Here is how I got 2 servers setup with DFS replication.

    In the DFS Console create a "New Root"

    I chose a Domain Root

    I also chose to Publish in Active Directory in the "Domain Root" Properties.

    Create your links or if you already have links then you should be set for getting the other server involved.

    Right Click on the Domain Root and choose "New Target" and specify the DFS partner you want.

    Now that you have 2 Targets in your Domain Root, now when you right click the "Domain Root" you will see the option "Configure Replication"

    I think you will get the rest from here.

    Replication seemed to work just fine.

    This isn't exactly Next>next click here click there type instructions, but I didn't think you would need that type of instructions.

    Let me know if that works for you or if you were looking for something else
  • billybob01billybob01 Member Posts: 504
    Many Thanks Silver Bullet, will give it a go tommorrow. I was confused when i looked at the 2 servers DFS setup. Server A who`s DFS is being used by our company has "Filtered" after its root name, and Server B that has DFS links etc (But not being used) has "enabled" by its root name? My manager recconds that i need to uninstall DFS on Server B and set it up again to replicate to Server A? But it wont allow him to??
  • Silver BulletSilver Bullet Member Posts: 676 ■■■□□□□□□□
    The only Filtering that I noticed was to filter Number of connections and/or filter by string. I didn't test any of the filtering options.

    If Server B has links associated with it, then you might consider moving those links to Server A. Then delete the Root from within the DFS console that is being hosted on Server B. It won't matter once you get replication going as both servers will be aware of all links.

    I had no trouble removing either server from DFS. Delete the links, delete the root targets, delete the root.

    Can you explain what process your manager is using to remove the DFS root from Server B?

    Are you using Domain or Standard Roots?
  • billybob01billybob01 Member Posts: 504
    I Tried the steps you mentioned above and received an error message:

    The Following error occured while creating DFS Root on server B.
    The Distributed File System service cannot be contacted on the specified server. Possible causes include the service is not started, the server is offline, network problems are preventing access to the server, or a firewall is blocking port 445 on the server.

    I have checked the network connection which is fine, the server is online and the service had started.
  • Silver BulletSilver Bullet Member Posts: 676 ■■■□□□□□□□
    I am not able to connect to my lab servers at the moment.

    Did you have
    A) a domain root setup on ServerA
    B) a domain root setup on ServerB
    *Both Published in AD?

    If I remember right, I had DFS running independently on both Servers before I chose New Root Target on the primary server. I won't be able to confirm though until I can get my hands back on my lab gear.
  • billybob01billybob01 Member Posts: 504
    I think i have solved the connection issue, a rookie mistake really. I just strted the DFS services on Server B then went to Server A and created a new Root Target and then i could connect. Both servers are shown in DFS now. Just one thing i wasn`t sure on was when i ran the replication wizard i chose the Ring Topology! I `m not sure whether this was the right choice, and also on the Root name i have both a green tick which i know about but i also have a green circle, what does this mean. I haven`t shut down any server yet to test id the other will take over, but will do so later.
  • Silver BulletSilver Bullet Member Posts: 676 ■■■□□□□□□□
    Here is some info from TechNet on choosing the topology.

    I could be wrong, but I believe that the circle just indicates that Root is setup with replication.

    Info on setting the initial Synchronization properties

    Info on setting the Replication Schedule
  • billybob01billybob01 Member Posts: 504
    Thats interesting thanks. I am using only the 2 servers so any topology will do. Shame they dont allow a Bus Topology!!
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