70-270 Test Questions

jcblesterjcblester Member Posts: 21 ■□□□□□□□□□
I am taking the 70-270 on September 4th and I am wondering if there are certain objectives they quiz you on more than others. I have read the Sybex book and watched the CBT Nuggets videos but I still feel a bit unsure on certain objectives. I have been working with XP for awhile now but there is alot of new stuff I have learned that makes me feel XP has been working with me instead.
Somtimes you're the bug and sometimes you're the widshield.


  • Nishesh.PrasadNishesh.Prasad Member Posts: 185
    You should grasp all the Topics but if u ask for Specifc ones, I would say ... Managing Files and Folders - NTFS and Share permissions. Next would definitely be Remote Working and IE.
    MCITP: EA 2008| VCP4| MCSE 2003 | CCNA | MCSA 2003: Security | MCDST | Security+ | ITILV3
  • sthomassthomas Member Posts: 1,240 ■■■□□□□□□□
    You should know everything in this list.


    Good Luck
    Working on: MCSA 2012 R2
  • jcblesterjcblester Member Posts: 21 ■□□□□□□□□□
    Thanks for the suggestions! I am feeling more confident about all of the objectives, but there are a few I need more study on. I think I am more nervous that is my first Microsoft test and I hear a lot about there questionong being questionable sometimes. Anyway, thanks agian for the help and responses.
    Somtimes you're the bug and sometimes you're the widshield.
  • WebmasterWebmaster Admin Posts: 10,292 Admin
    jcblester wrote:
    .... and I hear a lot about there questioning being questionable sometimes.
    That may seem that way for those who aren't fully prepared. Being able to pick the best correct answer from multiple seemingly-correct answer is what earns you the certification and sets us IT pros apart from the average computer enthusiast/hobbyist. Always read the question carefully, it's usually one or two minor details that make the difference between the right and wrong answers.

    Good luck!
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