Any good references for auditing?
Hey all,
I just got voluntold to start reviewing audits for descrepancies, etc. Of course, I was given no guidance as to what the security folks wanted me to look for, report, whatever so I pretty much go by what I was told to look for in a previous job. But that got me to thinking and I was wondering if anyone knew of any established industry standards in terms of auditing, especially auditing of server and workstation logs. It'd be nice to have some standard to reference in case someone decides to ask me what my filtering system is when I audit the log files.
I just got voluntold to start reviewing audits for descrepancies, etc. Of course, I was given no guidance as to what the security folks wanted me to look for, report, whatever so I pretty much go by what I was told to look for in a previous job. But that got me to thinking and I was wondering if anyone knew of any established industry standards in terms of auditing, especially auditing of server and workstation logs. It'd be nice to have some standard to reference in case someone decides to ask me what my filtering system is when I audit the log files.
Working on: Linux+, CCNP:Switch
JDMurray Admin Posts: 13,113 Admin
This is the organization for all things about auditing: The Institute of Internal Auditors (IIA)
For specifically server logs, the Google search "auditing server logs" turns up a lot of stuff.