Passed 8/24/07 !!

in Project+

Taking CCNA next week i hope
MCP, Net+ and now Project +
matradley Member Posts: 549
Congratulations! Great work. What did you use to study?From Security+ book by Sybex:
"One of the nice things about technology is that it's always changing. One of the bad things about technology is that it's always changing." -
tgfndotcom Member Posts: 37 ■■□□□□□□□□
I used measure up, i take a method of going through 30-40 questions and when i get one wrong i read the response, it explains the answer quite well, go through all the questions, go back over all the ones i got wrong the first times through, then took 1 practice test of 80 questions just like the exam. then just got up the courage to blow $232 .....
Best part is i did only actually spend about 8 hours or so and had no previous knowledge on the subject .... hope the next few tests go as well as that one did ! -
REID8968 Member Posts: 98 ■■□□□□□□□□
Hey! I'm a little slow, but congrats!!!!! If you don't mind, I just passed Network +, and Project + is on my consideration list. Is the scoring the same as Net +? I also found the Measure Up tests to be great. How do you plan to apply your Net & Project +'s? I actually took some Project + practice tests, just freebies, not this site though, and it seemed so straight forward compared to Network +, I didn't know what to make of it.
Again Congrats, and thanks for the feedback. -
tgfndotcom Member Posts: 37 ■■□□□□□□□□
I am a Technician for a local goverment, the main reason i went for the Project+ after getting network + is for a little more insight into the Correct ways to Go about my medium to small projects that i work on everyday, also everything with in my department has 3 meetings before anyone seems to work on anything so, project + will definately help with insight into how managers and other departments thinkwhen it comes to Projects development and execution.
IT jobs are filled with Technical People but to distinguish myself with SoftSkills is how i plan to obtain more oppurtunities.
as i said in my first post, with the help of Net+ and now project+ i will be finishing my CCNA and Wireless # soon to help round out a bright future in network infustruction and design.
-- also the Project + scoring is 60% so 499 out of 900 so that also takes a bit of pressure off when taking the test, Even though it is rather difficult.