How do you let outllok save files on your PC instead of the
How do can configure outlook to save files on my PC instead of the server. Thanks
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sprkymrk Member Posts: 4,884 ■■■□□□□□□□Create an Outlook Data File (also called a Personal Folder). It will default to the c:\documents and settings\username\application data\microsoft\outlook folder and have a file extention of .pst. Any mail you drag there will be on your hard drive.
FILE>NEW>Outlook Data File and then follow the prompts.All things are possible, only believe. -
blargoe Member Posts: 4,174 ■■■■■■■■■□You also have to set the location for mail delivery in your outlook profile to be the Personal Folder file. I don't have Outlook in front of me, but if you go into your mail settings, if you're using Exchange, there is a tab that has your Mailbox on the Exchange server as the location for mail delivery. Once you create the Personal Folder, you can switch this setting from the server mailbox to the Personal Folder.IT guy since 12/00
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