Understanding DMZ`s

billybob01billybob01 Member Posts: 504
Ok i feel stupid asking this but i am confused. When you setup a DMZ, what IP address do you use? I mean our internal network is divided up into subnets 10.10.x.x. I have an external IP for the external network adapter, but what IP do you use for DMZ`s??


  • blargoeblargoe Member Posts: 4,174 ■■■■■■■■■□
    Short answer: It doesn't have to be a particular IP range, just one that is distinct from your Internet IP range and your LAN IP range.
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  • billybob01billybob01 Member Posts: 504
    Oh i see, so as long as it`s different from both external and internal addresses it can be used?

    I am just playing around using vmware at the moment to try and get my head around this subject. I have a front end firewall setup and working fine, just installing the backend firewall and now looking into DMZ`s. One thing about the backend firewall, where i have 2 nics in the front end firewall one pointing external, the other pointing internal, the backend firewall also has 2 nics, one pointing internal and one pointing to the DMZ, is that right?

    Thanks Blargoe.
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