Please clarify permissions - technotes

vistalavistavistalavista Member Posts: 78 ■■□□□□□□□□
I read the following on the 290 technotes which confused me:

List Contents permission applies to folders only. It allows user to r e a d f i l e s and list the contents of folders and volumes. Users with this permissions can see the files and folders, but c a n n o t r e a d or modify them nor can the create new files and folders.

Could someone clarify the apparent contradiction of the highlighted phrases?


  • sprkymrksprkymrk Member Posts: 4,884 ■■■□□□□□□□
    It appears that you are correct. List permissions do not give you read access to files, but you can see the file/folder names.
    List Contents permission applies to folders only. It allows user to read files and list the contents of folders and volumes. Users with this permissions can see the files and folders, but cannot read or modify them nor can the create new files and folders.

    I think if you simply replace the word "read" with "see" or "list" in that first instance it would be correct. The explanation in the third sentence is correct as is.

    Perhaps Johan will chime in and confirm/deny our assessment. :)
    All things are possible, only believe.
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