my rant :x

Aquabat [banned]Aquabat [banned] Inactive Imported Users Posts: 299
I am a network/telecom specialist in the central pennsylvania area. I have had my new job for 3 1/2 months. Since i am new to telecom most of that time has been spent through on the job training. They know i'm a data guy but they want me to get some voice too. Which is cool, i like learning the nortel stuff.

So anyways, last week they told me that i would be doing my first data project unsupervised which is AWSOME!!!!!!!! I would go over the design with the engineer, configuring everything myself, and place and do the cutover all myself. I am ECSTATIC!!!!!!!!!!!

The Project:
Adtran Router ( to terminate the t1)

Basically there are 3 sites. the 3 switches, router, and the asa 5510at one, and an asa an the 2 others. all connecting through a t1, with easy-vpn client running on the asa 5505 to a tunnel into the asa 5510. With vlans and all that for the voice.

So i spent monday and wednesday configuring and packing up all of the equipment for deployment. Anxiously getting ready to do MY first project ALL BY MYSELF and prove to my peers that i am awsome and ready enough to do my own work w/o a trainer.

I show up at the site this morning to start unloading the equipment. and guess what. My trainer pulls up in his truck and says:

" So what are we doing today?"


we got everything done, and looking back at today. I could have handled this by myself, i didn't need my trainer. The only thing was a small circuit issue we had to call the carrier about. But, i could have handled this i HATE someone watching over my back, making sure i'm not making mistakes.

On one hand, yes i love working for a company that does training. But i am ready, i've told my boss and i don't think he thinks i am.

i herd u leik mudkips lol


  • shednikshednik Member Posts: 2,005
    Sure beats VGS huh bry?
  • jahman182jahman182 Member Posts: 51 ■■□□□□□□□□
    Be nice, Be nice.................U ever thought I am just not ready to fully hand you the keys to the BENZ. Gotta make sure you can handle the 12 cylinders under the hood. 500 + horses. Aaawwww you just think you can handle them. icon_lol.gif

    I would probably feel the same way you do

    Anyhooo I am sure you can handle it all but just give it some time it will come to you all in good time. You know that most of us techies start @ the helpdesk. icon_lol.gif Just give it some time.
  • 2BEDB4112BEDB411 Member Posts: 13 ■□□□□□□□□□
    Aquabat wrote:

    " So what are we doing today?"


    On one hand, yes i love working for a company that does training. But i am ready, i've told my boss and i don't think he thinks i am.


    Sounds like your trainer was "validating" his own purpose there.

    " It looks like a giant ball of ..cables! " icon_eek.gif
  • networker050184networker050184 Mod Posts: 11,962 Mod
    Just look at it from the other side. Would you send someone unsupervised on a project like this? Not saying you would, but if you screwed it up he would have had to come out anyway. One thing I learned from being a leader is you need to provide your subordinates with a pupose, direction and then most of all supervision. One day when you are in the other position you will understand. It would be his ass on the burner if you would have messed it up, so I don't blame him for making sure everything was correct. Thats what they pay him for anyway!
    An expert is a man who has made all the mistakes which can be made.
  • 2BEDB4112BEDB411 Member Posts: 13 ■□□□□□□□□□
    Now that I look at that closer, that kinda looks like a two-man job anyway. Enjoy the help while you have it. You'll be cut from the reigns soon enough young skywalker. icon_lol.gif
  • Aquabat [banned]Aquabat [banned] Inactive Imported Users Posts: 299
    meh, i would say it was a 2 man job. it just makes me mad that they tell me i'm handling this. then they send my trainner anyways to help. and it makes me feel like crap everyday when i have to work with someone else.
    i herd u leik mudkips lol
  • networker050184networker050184 Mod Posts: 11,962 Mod
    Its always better to have two minds and two sets of eyes. Why would you want to do something like this alone? I understand you feel as if you are good enough to it on your own, and you probably are, but having another person especially someone knowledgable is a good thing. I don't know your whole situation, but maybe he was there to help as a collegue and not to "watch over your shoulder."
    An expert is a man who has made all the mistakes which can be made.
  • MishraMishra Member Posts: 2,468 ■■■■□□□□□□
    I've been through the trenches enough times (actually I worked until 4am tonight and came in at 7am and am posting here now! lol) that I would RATHER have someone here to discuss what I am doing. Although normally that other person has other things to do and doesn't just stand over my shoulder.

    I understand that you are anxious to do a few projects alone and prove yourself, but remember that having a second set of eyes is always a good thing. If I have the opportunity, I always let other people double check my work. (major things only of course)
    My blog

    You may learn something!
  • dtlokeedtlokee Member Posts: 2,378 ■■■■□□□□□□
    Ah, your trainer probably had nothing to do that day so he decided to come bother you. Don't take it personally, I have seen people get shifted around from one project to another without any sort of reasoning.
    The only easy day was yesterday!
  • Aquabat [banned]Aquabat [banned] Inactive Imported Users Posts: 299
    yea understand networker. But i don't feel like a colleauge sometimes, i feel like a student, or a kid or whatever when i am working with these people. Hopefully i will feel like i belong soon
    i herd u leik mudkips lol
  • NetstudentNetstudent Member Posts: 1,693 ■■■□□□□□□□
    Think about all the people who have some experience and their CCNA and would love to have that job. You should feel more appreciative that you are working with your networking skills regardless of how much they feel like they need to train you. You will get your moments of glory and respect, just be patient. Good luck!
    There is no place like BUT is my away from!
  • shednikshednik Member Posts: 2,005
    Aquabat wrote:
    yea understand networker. But i don't feel like a colleauge sometimes, i feel like a student, or a kid or whatever when i am working with these people. Hopefully i will feel like i belong soon

    I'm sure it will come with time, remember this job was an awesome opportunity i mean you could be working with me still...I may have my shot now that no one is left out our site for networking to that would be awesome...
  • networker050184networker050184 Mod Posts: 11,962 Mod
    Just remeber in IT you will always be a student. No one will ever know it all. I learn new things everyday and I have been working with this stuff for years. I'm sure there are a few things you could probably teach them as well. Thats the good thing about getting together and doing things as a team (or teacher student).
    An expert is a man who has made all the mistakes which can be made.
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